Kill Yourself The Movie

In special features, the "bonus concert" is password protected. The password to enter this area is 485799...
4 - members in the band
85 - Speak English Or Die is released
7 - years between records
99 - Bigger Than The Devil is released.
Thrashard, dude, it IS 7 years between albums. Budokan is Speak English performed live, there's no "new" S.O.D. material. The "new" tunes on that album were covers. Bigger is the 3rd release because Budokan's a "live" album of Speak English's material. Platinum is just a reissue as well, the "new" tunes on that are covers as well. S.O.D. should know, they're the ones that made you HAVE to look up the code, I think they'd know how many years between gigs and albums. NO DISRESPECT Thrashard, really. I dig em just as much as the next headbanger!