Killer Atheist Pictures!

Metal Domain

New Metal Member
Apr 2, 2007
First off, Powerfest was A-M-A-Z-ING, I am still in shock that one of my all time fav bands, Atheist, played at the Pearl Room! Though I was more shocked at the turnout, I mean, cmon guys... its Fuckin Atheist and you can't take a 2-hour roadtrip?
And Chris was right, and from what i've read, your excuses suck. Atheist's last show in the US and you ppl can't pull together $30?

I know Chris and Rob put a TON of work into this, and believe me, it payed off for those of us that pooled together a couple bucks and actually went. Thanks guys!

On a lighter note, here are some killer pics taken by me (Andy Bach) on saturday. Enjoy!

Well i was reading Chris' whole 'Primadonna fest' post, and i realized that there probly were alot of people who were just too lazy to make it down to Mokena. Like Chris said, there are people that dont like the venue, or have never been to the venue, and dont want to try something new. And just from my group of concert-going friends, I was only able to find one person who was willing to go down. The rest of em had horrible excuses. *ie tim* haha
btw Will, I saw that hilarious youtube video of the beer brew! haha! looked like good times!
You should totally link it on one of these forums