Killing Joke

Oh my! Those samples are better than I was expecting. At times they sound like an evil Prong or something. I might have to get their latest. I listened to some samples when the CD first came out, but I didn't really get into it (despite Terrorizer's 9.5/10 rating). I'll just buy it and see what happens.

My favorite KJ album is Extremeties, Dirt, and Various Repressed Emotions. I'll post something from that one later today. I'm also a big fan of Fire Dances and Revelations (they came out back to back). More of a tribal, dissonant approach.
I put a handful of tracks in a folder and uploaded them. Since it has become more tracks than I want to post here for public consumption, I PM'ed Nate and JK with a link. If you're interested in this band and are willing to buy their stuff if you like them, please feel free to PM me for the link.