Killing Miranda


Sep 16, 2002
Harrow, Middx., UK
I saw an excellent performance from Killing Miranda last night,a nd it occured to me... why not suggest them for BS '04? While they've come up from more of a goth background than a metal one, by their own admission they're somewhat of a crossover band, and based on last night's evidence[1], they'd fit in at Bloodstock far better than certain other bands (e.g., Bumsnogger and Invey from this year). Their sound has matured over the years and has a much more metallic edge to it these days. I doubt it'll happen, but it'd be remiss of me not to suggest it...

[1] If you need further convincing, Terrorizer gave their album 9/10.
Absolutely fucking awful band!

Saw them 'supporting' Paradise Lost in London in March and they sucked the suck out of suck! Words fail me when it comes to describing their lamentable performance. What was that song song called 'I want to fuck you'? or something along those lines - really subtle, I thought. ;) The 'singer' couldn't sing and they behaved like total arses. 'Rock stars' - my Arse!

If there is going to be some sort of Gothic Metal band at Bloodtsock (and personally I'm all in favour of it), then there's a queue of bands 100m long in front of these useless wasters.
Don't hold back now... say what you really think :) Oh well. I like them anyway, and I think they'd be a great addition to Bloodstock, far more so than Paradise Lost were this year, for example. But I guess we just have different tastes....

I'd be curious to know who's in your gothic metal queue ahead of Killing Miranda, though. The only obvious ones (at least in the UK) that I can think of at the moment are The Faces Of Sarah, and arguably they're less well suited to Bloodstock than Killing Miranda...