KillZone Records music you can buy on your cellphone


Nov 14, 2005
The cellphone is set to over take every other delivery service for music and there are plans underway to expand what you can do with your cellphone as it relates to music.

You can now buy KillZone Records muisc on your cellphone. If you subscribe to AT@T, Verizon Wireless, Nextel Sprint, AllTel and Boost (up to $6.99) via text message. Its simple and convenient and puts you and control. All standard text message rates apply see your carrier for details.

For The Raygun Girls 'Fire Inside' text KZRDIG1

For Meyvn 'Splintered Skies' text KZRDIG2

For a 5 track sampler featuring 5 tracks of new and upcoming releases.

Over 20 minutes of new music for just2.99 text KZRDIGS

text your choice to 82646

You will be charged to your cellphone bill no costs topay upfront.

You will be sent a confirmation code which you wil redeem on line when you are ready.