King Diamond CDs - Heavy Metal - Black Metal


Iv been a fan of this forum for a while and regularly visit however iv only just made an account and this is my first post.

Anyway I have been struggling to get my mixes sounding any good. Iv tried following tips iv found on this site and others but i just cant stop my mixes from sounding small and flat.
I get to a certain stage and then just cant seem to improve any further.

I double track the guitars and pan them at 80 each way with the lead in the middle.

I use programmed drums and then add compression, eq and reverb to taste.

In this particular mix im using programmed bass (as my bass cant hold drop A) but with the effects i would use on real bass tracks.
I got my bass mixing tips by following this video as closely as i could.

It might just be easier to show you the track im working on at the minute and
if anyone could give me some feedback and tips on how to improve it (Other then the shoddy playing) id really appreciate it. You can be as specific as you like, any help is very welcome.

I also have the track in C with real bass if anyone wants to hear that?
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