Just wanted to let you all know that I now have photos and a review online from the King Diamond/Entombed show in Seattle on October 25th.
Sample photos are below, links to the full photo set and review will follow.
King Diamond
King Diamond photos: http://www.shadows.com/gravemusic/live/kingd102503/index.shtml
Entombed photos: http://www.shadows.com/gravemusic/live/kingd102503/entombed.shtml
Review: http://www.shadows.com/gravemusic/live/kingd102503/review.shtml
Sample photos are below, links to the full photo set and review will follow.

King Diamond

King Diamond photos: http://www.shadows.com/gravemusic/live/kingd102503/index.shtml
Entombed photos: http://www.shadows.com/gravemusic/live/kingd102503/entombed.shtml
Review: http://www.shadows.com/gravemusic/live/kingd102503/review.shtml