King Diamond for POWERFEST!


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
I have been holding this in for a while, in case it was possibly in the works.
The good King has a new album coming out this year.
He lives in Texas now, and has performed at various US festivals in the past.

Would anyone else dig this?
I have been holding this in for a while, in case it was possibly in the works.
The good King has a new album coming out this year.
He lives in Texas now, and has performed at various US festivals in the past.

Would anyone else dig this?
Now you are talking, but the fact that he tours the US quite a bit probably hurts.

For what it's worth though I believe Chris Lotesto is a pretty big fan of KD.

King, and at least one band mate or two live in Dallas, Texas. They'd probably have to fly over Andy, and Mike Wead, but it might not be as costly as you think.


I think he was talking about EVLENKING.

Yeah, I know King tours a lot. But if they could score him before he does any official touring for the album, then it could be more of a draw.

King is always amazing live. On occassion he will whip out a Fate classic or two as well! :headbang:
It might be time to give up the Elvenking dream ... ain't no way in hell they are going to be picked for Powerfest.


PS .. I'm not dissing the band ... just saying that I don't think there is much of a call for them at all. They are way under the radar.
PS .. I'm not dissing the band ... just saying that I don't think there is much of a call for them at all. They are way under the radar.

Well, I guess who is to say? I hadn't previously seen anyone asking about Shatter Messiah or Martyr either. Every fest has to take a chance on some bands. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. That's the good thing and sometimes bad thing about a fest. Sometimes you walk away with a new favorite band, other times not.

I think the logistics of Elvenking being from across the pond will prevent them from being a possibilty this year.
It might be time to give up the Elvenking dream ... ain't no way in hell they are going to be picked for Powerfest.


PS .. I'm not dissing the band ... just saying that I don't think there is much of a call for them at all. They are way under the radar.

Dont wreck my day you will be talking about the greatest show you ever saw....Powerfest 07 with Elvenking.

They would outdraw Martyr, Shotgun Messiah and Novembers Doom for sure on thier own. Never underestimate Elvenking.

You will all see the light one day!!!!!!
I'll tell you this. I tried to get Elvenking for a one off show, or to be told about tours. But right now they are working on their next album to be released in the fall, so no shows at the moment.

But maybe I was lied to! =d
Well, I guess who is to say? I hadn't previously seen anyone asking about Shatter Messiah or Martyr either. Every fest has to take a chance on some bands. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. That's the good thing and sometimes bad thing about a fest. Sometimes you walk away with a new favorite band, other times not.

I think the logistics of Elvenking being from across the pond will prevent them from being a possibilty this year.
Honestly, I wouldn't be unhappy if Elvenking was added to the fest. I have their latest on mp3, and I think it's got some decent material on it. I'm just guessing that Rob and Chris don't have a clue as to who this band is. Heck, maybe I'm wrong, but I don't recall a huge call for Elvenking to come to the US. I have never heard a lot of chatter about them on the boards.

Martyr actually seems to be kind of sought after. They are considered one of the best bands in tech metal. I'm not into them, but people that like that genre are excited.

Shatter Messiah is an opener from Ohio .. the cost for them to come to the event is small, and being kind of Nevermorish should have some crossover appeal.

I'll tell you this. I tried to get Elvenking for a one off show, or to be told about tours. But right now they are working on their next album to be released in the fall, so no shows at the moment.

But maybe I was lied to! =d
Do they have a pretty big fan base? Honestly I was unaware of them until several months ago. I've just never heard much buzz about them.

As I said, with fests it doesn't always matter about draw.
Look at Prog Power.
No one in a million years would have said, "Freak Kitchen for PPUSA! Pyramaze for PPUSA!, etc, etc" Once booked, you immediately have a fan base of festival faithfuls who become immediate fanboys of the bands.
As I said, with fests it doesn't always matter about draw.
Look at Prog Power.
No one in a million years would have said, "Freak Kitchen for PPUSA! Pyramaze for PPUSA!, etc, etc" Once booked, you immediately have a fan base of festival faithfuls who become immediate fanboys of the bands.
You are wrong there ... I almost put in a sponsorship offer for Freak Kitchen. I've been familiar with them for years ... Zod turned me onto them a long time ago.

Both of us were also familiar with Pyramaze far before they were announced. I owned both of their discs before they were even announced. I own discs from 9 or the 10 announced bands this year. Raintime was the one band I was unfamiliar with.

I do hear you about how cultish Prog Power has become ... it wasn't always that way. That board kind of frustrates me now and again ... it's changed a lot.

Not from what I can tell. It looks like they played less than a dozen live dates in in 2006. If they were popular Europe, you would think they would tour more frequently.


I mean that most of thier fans are fat and that they have a big fanbase. Just kidding. Like Jasonic said, anyone who gets booked at a fest like Progpower suddenly gain like 500 new fans. Look at the ProgPower board, second a band is booked, everyone is out getting thier disc, which is good for everyone involved, so to say Elvenking is not a draw....they would do equally if not better than any band alredy booked at Powerfest, they might even draw more out of towners...I know lots of people who are fanatical fans.

They played less shows in 2006 due to them losing a member. They are back in full force right now and I think working on the new disc. Rumor has it that they would love to play Powerfest.
I know that some people were familiar with the Prog Power bands, but this is how it usually works:
1) Band gets announced
2) 4 people go, "Yes"!
3) Remainder goes, "Well, Glenn likes them so they must be good!"
4) New threads such as, "Recommend me some Virgin Steel" arise
5) Virgin Steel (or any other bands) CD sales rise
6) By time of the fest, Virgin Steel has 500 new fans

I am not saying there is ANYTHING wrong with this.
Just saying that's how these things tend to work.

If a band is truly a good band, it will work well for them.

I think Chicago Powerfest is slowly but surely becoming the type of fest where people will come regardless of who plays.