King Diamond Puppet Master


Stuck in Utah
Sep 16, 2003
Salt Lake City, UT
So have any of you all picked up his new album yet?

I like it.. Only heard the first 3 tracks so far, but very good...

And the DVD is of has the around the camp-fire telling scary stories feel to it.

The Jesterman said:
As much as I love KD, I am still more of a Mercyful Fate fanatic. I haven't yet picked it up, but I have been hearing good things about it. If anyone wants to send me a copy feel free.

Ahh good ol Fate. I have a very rare vinyl from them :) Someday I need to dub it to CD. But yes, he did better work with them. Oh well

I just got "The Puppet Master" a week ago....

I would have to say it's the best King Diamond album since "The Eye". Seeing how King let some of the other band members contribute a bit to the writting process of this album; It would be safe to assume that this is why it's a much better product than the last few that have come out... and defaintly makes up for that abortion "Abigail II", which I can hardly listen to. :Smug:

I haven't had a chance to sit down and watch the DVD that came with the Ltd. Ed. version I got... but our drummer has and said it's quite intersting. Apparently the DVD is just King Diamond reading the entire story of "The Puppet Master" by candle light... sounds very interesting!

So far the best tracks on the album are "Magic", "The Ritual" and "Living Dead" :cool:


Dustin said:
I just got "The Puppet Master" a week ago....
I haven't had a chance to sit down and watch the DVD that came with the Ltd. Ed. version I got... but our drummer has and said it's quite intersting. Apparently the DVD is just King Diamond reading the entire story of "The Puppet Master" by candle light... sounds very interesting!

Well electric Candel Light, but yes.

I keep thinking to myself, since this was clearly done is his dinning room in his house in Dallas. Do his neighbors know who he is? To them, he's an Americanized Danish guy, Kim Petersen, with a lil mustache. To millions of fans, he's King Diamond, prince of Darkness and leader of one of the darkest bands of all time...

Quite a story teller tho. I bet his kids (I belive he's happily married with kids) must love bedtime. Probably keeps them wraped up, a new 'chapter' to the story of.. I donno..Skippy the Squirrell each night. hehe.
