King's X - possibility of playing Gretchen in it's entirety


Grrrr!!! (I'm a bear)
Mar 7, 2009
Just read on Blabbermouth that King's X - is looking into the possibility of playing "Gretchen Goes to Nebraska" in it's entirety in select cities while on tour.

KING'S X frontman Doug Pinnick was recently interviewed by Brian Heaton of The Breakdown Room. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

On the possibility of the band performing the 1989 album "Gretchen Goes to Nebraska" in its entirety:

"We've been throwing around the idea of doing all of 'Gretchen' in key cities with a lot of special effects. A lot of the songs we don't play live much, so it's going to take some work."

Not sure how others feel, but if it came anywhere around where I live, I would most assuredly have to go see that. I absolutely loved that album when it was released and have it in regular rotation in my music library. Songs like "Out of the Silent Planet" and the softer "The Difference" - great album.

Any other fans of King's X and particularly that album out there?
Fuck yes.

I'd love to see them play Gretchen in it's entirety. I was in high school when that album came out, totally changed how I viewed and listened to music. That's one record that'll never come off my iPod, no matter what.

I haven't seen them since the "Black Like Sunday" tours (got the whole family thing going on now) but I'd kill to see them play that.
"A lot of the songs we don't play live much, so it's going to take some work."

:lol: I remember talking to Jerry once outside a club and he said the reason they don't play some of their older songs is because they have no idea how to play them anymore. "Like [song title I don't recall] tonight. Our techs had to sit down and teach us that one." And that conversation was back in 1994!

Looking forward to whatever they come up with.
I know this is going a little OT, but I had the *worst* fanboy moment ever with Jerry Gaskill. I was in the parking lot after a KX show (at The Station actually... :erk:) and I turned around and nearly ran him over. He kind of smirked, stuck his hand out and say "Hey man, how are ya?"

I immediately started air drumming and singing the drum breakdown in the middle of "Fall On Me" and telling him how long it took me to learn it when I was 15. He just kind of stared at me for a bit... then muttered "it was just double strokes" and walked away.

I felt shamed :)
They're such easygoing fellas, even when some of their fans don't show them the respect they deserve. ("they" = Jerry, and "some of their fans" = me and my friend Chris)

New Jersey, 1997-ish, summer, early afternoon. Chris and I drive into the parking lot of the Birch Hill, where KX will be playing that night...

Chris: Are you sure they let the audience take pictures?

Me: I don't know if the venue itself allows cameras, but Ty told us on Compuserve it's cool with the band.

Chris: Let's ask the club manager, he's right there.

Me: Where?

Chris: Sitting on the sidewalk there. Roll down your window. <yells across me> Excuse me! Can we ask you something?

Jerry: <sitting next to the club manager; smiles, shakes his head in a "here we go again" sort of way, stands and begins to walk towards the car to do the rock star / fan thing>

Chris: Not you -- the other guy!

Jerry: <visibly startled; turns and sits back down again>

Manager: <stands and approaches car>

Me: Wait, wasn't that Jerry?

Chris: Oh? <squints> Yeah. Poor guy.


New Jersey, PNC Bank Arts Center, 2005 or so, summer, early afternoon.

Chris and I are packed into a sardine-like area about 50 feet from the Ozzfest second stage. We're trying to carry on a conversation, and I have my back to whatever band is playing.

Me: I said to the guy--

Chris: Jerry's behind you.

Me: What, really?!

Chris: Yep.

Me: <twist around as best I can; see Jerry Gaskill, so close I realize I've been bumping elbows with him the past few minutes> Hey.

Jerry: Hey.

Me: <turning back to Chris> I thought you meant Gerry from college.

Chris: No, I never met him.

Me: Oh, right right right. Anyway, so I said to the guy...
Ha, that's too funny!

I once interrupted Ty and dUg tossing a Nerf football a few hours before showtime.... snagged an errant pass and started tossing it around with them without saying a word :)

They're all as cool as shit... the first time I saw them, I told dUg how I'd been a fan for almost 10 years and it was my first (of many to come) shows, and he shook my hand again and said "wow man, you've been listening to my band for almost 10 years? Damn man, I'm honored you've dug us for so long!" To know they're such amazing musicians plus really cool, down to earth guys just makes me dig 'em that much more. I try and drag non-fans to see them every time they come around just so I can get more converts :headbang:
Yeah, I'd love to see this. I've been a King's X fan since the first album. Their unique sound just had me hooked. You'll sometimes see Doug at one of the Guitar Centers here.
I know these guys pretty well. Really good dudes... cool to see people still talkin about em. They always put on a killer show.