Yup', my fav' Bodom song ! And my all time fav' song during at least 2 years.
Now I enjoy many Townsend/SYL songs and can't really tell if there's one I prefer than another.
I heard it when I started playing guitar and was amazed when I saw the trick of playing two times the same note (the verses if we can call that a verse) (of course I knew about nothing AT ALL about music/guitar at that time).
And that solo-riff, the sweeping at the end, everything, maybe it just lacks a slower/heavier part to emphasys the speed and crazyness of the whole thing (if this sentence means anything^^).
Just a shame that the prod' isn't as good on FTR than on HCDR, and I wish they re-record it (but I already said it on this board), or write another one like this.
It's just like a race, or a intense fight that never slow down...