Love it! Unfortunately, I fear it might be too late. Very apprehensive about how the Artmore is going to approach our use of the courtyard this year. I hope we are not discouraged from congregating this year. The parties there have been the most epic since the close of the Fairfield. So sad if one bad experience spoils it for everyone. Let's just hope they will work with us.
Love it! Unfortunately, I fear it might be too late. Very apprehensive about how the Artmore is going to approach our use of the courtyard this year. I hope we are not discouraged from congregating this year. The parties there have been the most epic since the close of the Fairfield. So sad if one bad experience spoils it for everyone. Let's just hope they will work with us.

I honestly do not know exactly what measures they will take. I do not believe they will completely shut it down. However, I can see them allowing only Artmore guests in and shutting it down at a reasonable hour. I have no actual facts to back either of those up, just a gut feeling from previous discussions.
I honestly do not know exactly what measures they will take. I do not believe they will completely shut it down. However, I can see them allowing only Artmore guests in and shutting it down at a reasonable hour. I have no actual facts to back either of those up, just a gut feeling from previous discussions.
Fair enough. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. Those measures would be reasonable, though it would be sad not to have fans and bands from the other hotels included.
That was great!

Who were the people IN the fountain and what was the deal with that? I vaguely remember hearing something about it, but can't remember what it was...
Is there any way that this link could be sent directly to every single person on the PPUSA mailing list?


Might not change anything, but it couldn't hurt!

Maybe everyone will now have to migrate up to my new home, the Marriott Suites 14th Street!!

Yeah right........ :(

Great work, Steph. Looking forward to seeing you again this year.
However, I can see them allowing only Artmore guests in and shutting it down at a reasonable hour. I have no actual facts to back either of those up, just a gut feeling from previous discussions.

That would suck. This is the first time in *years* that I won't be at the Artmore (money crunch this year), and it would be lousy to have that be the first year that non hotel guests be banned from the Courtyard.

That said, if things get out of hand, I wouldn't blame the new hotel mgt for taking steps, but I wish they would see what I've seen for years - a bunch of people hanging out, playing music, and talking.

Steve in Philly
Is there any way that this link could be sent directly to every single person on the PPUSA mailing list?


Might not change anything, but it couldn't hurt!

Maybe everyone will now have to migrate up to my new home, the Marriott Suites 14th Street!!

Yeah right........ :(

Great work, Steph. Looking forward to seeing you again this year.

Thanks KEZ!! Wouldn't that be awesome? Better yet, air it before the last band plays! LOL Not much to ask right? ;)

I've got a great idea everyone! Let's prove the icy Artmore management wrong by keeping our friends in check AND not destroying the place. I'm a clean tenant, but I saw the looks on the poor housekeeping faces last year. :erk: