KOBE Bryant is FREE!

Ragamuffin said:
Never let it be said Money can't buy justice in this day & age.
WTF? We know he banged the chick, and if his wife can forgive him, then I am sure God can too. Was that a dumb move? Yes. But where does $$$$ figure into the equation? After all this time, the bitch decides now, 419 days later, she "can't go thru with it?" But, she can through with the civil case, fucking ho. She has really made it bad for those girls who truly are raped.
Granting the premise that he rapped her, just granting that premise this how it should go:

Woman: He Raped Me
Kobe: IO fucked her, it wasn't rape
Woman: He raped me

~proceed to court room~
Judge: I have examined all of the evidence, talked with all of the parties involved, and have come to a conclussion based on fact

What actually happened:(again, granting the premise)
Woman: He raped me
Kobe: I fucked it, not rape
Woman: He raped me

~cut to 'the news'
ESPN/CNN/MSNBC/AT&T/Funk&Wagnalls/Pfizor/Peaches & Cream: Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe KobeShaq Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe Kobe
woman: I...I just wanted to find some justice around here. While any of you were stomping around catching camera time did you happen to see some justice? Maybe it's under someones drink
Judge: Ill allow it
Woman: Ya knoa...he raped me...but fuck it. I need my life back.
Case dismissed
I have no doubt he fucked her, but it was always about getting money from him. Just like Tyson. I dont give a shit about either one but its just about getting free money. Celeberties fuck lots of people, especially in the sporting world, why on earth would they have to rape anyone???
That Eagle Colorado DA was lying thru his teeth last night. He can spew the bull shit.

Kobe fucked up big time, he turned his back on his family regardless of what happened in that Hotel room and we'll never really know what happended because we weren't there.

Other related news Shaq has a new (c)rap song out bagging on Kobe. I missed hearing it this am and last night on www.1540theticket.com (1540 AM Radio in LA) sports talk.