KORN's JONATHAN DAVIS: 'Music Now Is More Popular Than Ever'


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Shure, maker of the microphones and audio gear, recently conducted an interview with KORN frontman Jonathan Davis. You can now watch the chat below. Asked about some of the positive changes in the music industry in recent years, Davis said: "I think music now is more popular than ever. It's more readily available. People are listening to music more than ever now. "I think the old model, the way [record companies] used to do things, got old and tired, and people just need to think of new ways to put music out there. I mean, it is what it is. "If you ask me, do I prefer the old-school ways? Yes, I do. Back then, you could do so much more, and we got to do such great things like doing that live thing at the Hammerstein [Ballroom in New York City] to playing a show on an airplane. Back then you could do big things like that. Now it's not possible. That's just for me personally; I miss those times. But I think for music in general, [now] is a better time." KORN's latest album, "The Paradigm Shift", sold 46,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to land at position No. 8 on The Billboard 200 chart. The CD arrived in stores on October 8, 2013 via Prospect Park. Davis last year revealed that he got into the studio later than the rest of the group because he was dealing with personal issues. He explained, "My boy got diabetes and I had come off medication for my depression, and that fucked me up . . . I'd been on it for three years and the doctor told me you gotta get off this, it's bad for you." Davis took drastic action to get off his medication, saying, "I went to this county rehab. I was like, 'I don't want to do this shit ever again.' So I went into the most ghetto, fucked-up place I could find and I'm barely coming out of it now."
