
New Metal Member
Oct 25, 2007
I'm buying a new amp and was wandering if you could help me with some
facts about Krank Revolution 1 series amp:)
If anybody has any experience with this amp pleas be kind and share some with me:)
How is it compared with Mesa Dual Rec.,i'm mostly looking for a good crunch
I've had it for a year and a half now. It was my first tube amp and the first amp I ever tried to record. It is a learning curve mainly due to the Sweep control. I still haven't figured it out. :lol: I can't compare it to a Mesa, but I have a 6505 (only had it for about 4 - 5 weeks, so still learning it as well) and I like both of them. Some samples comparing the Rev to the 6505 can be heard here:

Sample2.mp3 is the Rev.
Sample1.mp3 is the 6505.
wow....thanks for the clips. especially because i own a 5150. while the tone you had dialed in (on the 5150 i mean) isn't exactly what i usually go for, i know that it's in there.
having that said, i really liked the krank! had a nice percussive edge to the palm mutes, very tight and sharp. a little fizzy on the top end, though. is it possible to dial that out (just a tad, mind you) or is it always there no matter what?
actually, that sounds pretty close to a tighter, more modern (and fizzier) version of my jcm800 2210....which is exactly what i'm shooting for, except for the fizz :lol:
damn...gotta try one...
I've had mine for a little over a week, I like it alot. The Rev is super quiet until you play it, no annoying feedback.

I agree that the major learning curve is the sweep control. IMO, the best way to dial in an amp is with your ears, not the value on the knobs. Turn and listen and you'll be happy! :headbang:
it's a great amp. mine gets a lion's share of playing time.

it's not a novice dial. the Sweep and Presence play a big role.

good luck
I have definitely learned to enjoy mine as well, I've had it for over a year now. I definitely wouldn't like it near as much without a tubescreamer in front. And although Celestion v30's will improve your metal tone with any amp, I noticed recently that the v30's help the Revolution more drastically than they seem to with other amps. I suppose that this kind of reflects poorly on the Revolution, or at the least makes it a little less versatile, but regardless, I think it's hard to go wrong with a Revolution.
I'm using my Rev with the Rev 4x12 cabinet. Sounds killer in my ears. I use it with a tubescreamer just as aaron does... but I wouldn't say the would sound bad without it. Just makes it even better :)
i heard one live at a gig i was playing; and my 5150 crushed it; could be how the kid dialed it....