KRK RP6's, who has 'em?


Apr 19, 2005
New Castle, Indiana
I can get the KRK RP5's or RP6's at a pretty good price (~200-300 bones, depending on what ones)...These are the second generation models with the rounded corner/curved body.

I've never been super thrilled with anything I've heard from KRK, but I've grown tired of my Alesis Monitor One Mk II's, and at this price, I'm wondering if I should give them a try.
I have the second gen KRK RP5's and like them, I know Ryan and Gareth (Gareth as of the other day) do as well and think they're pretty good monitors.

The first generation were meant to be total crap, but I have no bones to pick with the second.
Going from Alesis Monitor Ones to KRK RP series monitors is more of a crossgrade than an upgrade. The new generation sure are a fair bit better than the last, but they're still in the budget range of monitoring. It really depends how disposable that cash of yours is. FWIW when I heard the RP6 G2s I didn't mind them up against the other monitors in the room. Far cry from the terrible first generation.