
Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Just wanted to get the general consensus on this forum about these monitors.

A friend recently got a pair and to me they sounded extremely hyped. They seem to be great value for what you get, but I can't help but feel that they reduce one of the most important frequency ranges for detail (mids).

The spacial imaging on them seemed great, but I can't help but feel that I won't be able to hear enough mid-based detail in my mixes.

Various viewpoints are very welcome. I was also looking at the Adam A7s, but they are quite a bit more expensive, and aren't shielded, which is a bit of a drawback, especially when tracking guitar on my rig.
Hi Moonie. I have a pair of RP8's. Even though they look like they should have the "hyped" thing going on, they really don't. When I first powered them up, I was thrown back a little because they sounded more like NS-10's in the mids than I had anticipated. The highs never get harsh or brittle (unless your mix is, of course) and the lows are actually pretty amazing for the $$$. My only beef with these - and it's a relatively major beef - is in the low mids. 300Hz - 600Hz requires some patience and you'd be better off having another set of monitors to a/b that freq range.

All in all, they pretty much can't be beat for that price. I'd definitely recommend them to anyone on a tight budget.
Oh okay, cool. It could've been that range which I was unhappy with at my friend's. I did notice something lacking. Low-mids are quite important, IMO, as balancing them is one of the defining factors of a professional production.

I may head off and have a listen to them with an array of reference material, and make up my mind.

Cheers for the comments.
I took a listen to them again and they don't sound as hyped as I remember. You are definitely right about the NS-10-like midrange. The mids are so dry and harsh, that they can be pretty tiring.

I like the tight low-end response and detail on them. I love how they render reverb spaces. You can actually hear the size of the room.

They are certainly not as pleasant to listen to as the speakers I currently have, but I think they would function better as studio monitors. Are the harsh mids a common trait with these speakers? Can they be tamed with the high shelf switch? I just can't see them being refreshing to listen to for long periods of time.
I wouldn't call the mids "harsh".... Prominent would probably be a better word. Mids = good mixing (ns-10's). You'll get used to it, and your ears will get better. Just don't listen really loud for extended periods.
