krk vxt4's ????


I are Joe
Nov 2, 2009
Wales, United Kingdom
What are these like?
I was gonna go for the vxt8's but then I went into the shop and saw the sheer size of them.... :OMG:
and the price of them is slightly off putting.
vxt6's were still pretty damn huge.

So has anyone tried the vxt4's? What are they like? Good budget studio monitors or just a big nono?
If you can recommend better monitors for £250 or less then do so! :D
VXT4s are £250 each, try looking into the rokit series gen 2 models of KRKs if you're liking that yellow cone thing as they are about £300 for a pair. Other than that id reccomend exactly what i have, a poweramp, and the alesis monitor 1 Mark II passives, very balanced response. I prefer them over any sub £600 set of active monitors any day, just my preference though. I also find the mid range alot more apparent and clear with these. noteably like the NS10s.

im sure alot of the other guys can reccomend a nice set of actives though to save the hastle of a passive setup.
I'm rockin' the KRK RP6's right now.
Limited yellow edition. :]

I've never had any other monitors, so I don't have anything to compare them to, but I would assume... Just like any other pair of monitors that you have to get used to them.

They have a really nice response though. They might be kind of thick in the mid range, and a little rolled off on the highs.
I have the RP5's and my mixes have always sounded fairly consistent when I've shifted them about systems. No problems so far.
The VXT 6s are good monitors, i have it on pretty good authority that the vxt 8s are really starting to creep into a lot of london studios as reference monitors
I went from RP8's to VXT4's and couldnt be happier. I took a hit in volume and bass response but the trade off was much more accurate and Way more detailed mixes, although for a 4" monitor they are loud and have very good bass response. I owned them at the same time for awhile basing all my opinions on side by side comparisons. Also, I briefly owned a pair RP6's, for like a month and the VXT4's are way better in every aspect. IMHO if your doing anything other than rap,R&B, type stuff the VXT4's are better all around. Good luck.
VXT's sound different from the RP's. You can hear reverb tails better on the VXT series, and the highs are less fatiguing on the VXT series. I actually find the VXT much more listenable than the RP series. With RP6's I used to have, I always found the highs to be harsh and the lows a bit overpowering. The VXT seems like it doesn't have those problems.

Personally I would look at the old american-made KRK's. They used Focal drivers and had a really flat response even by today's standards.