Krossbreed adv.


New Metal Member
Jun 28, 2007
Hallo everybody,

here's some information and promo from my band KROSSBREED.

KROSSBREED was formed in 2003. Stef, Michel and Stef's wife , Evelyn, got together to jam a bit. They started out playing some Metallica and sepultura covers just for fun. Stef knew a bass player who might be interested in joining the still nameless band. And so Warre joined the jam sessions. Michel had to leave the band for a while because of some family stuff. When he rejoined after a couple of months Evelyn had left and Tom had joined the band. In those first weeks the name KROSSBREED was born. They were 4 guys listening to music that is all heavy but not really the same. Still they wanted to try and do something together, figuring it to be a challenge to put their music together and see what comes out. The result is KROSSBREED : a mixture of 4 different minds and 4 different ideas formed into one hard and heavy unit. In other words a krossbreed of their own creativity. Switching over from covers to writing their own songs, KROSSBREED thought the time was right to record a first demo "DOWN TO THE CORE", which started spreading their name around the Belgian metal scene.But after allmost 3 years it began to become clear that Warre was not happy with the musical direction the band had. And so he left KROSSBREED. Stef at that time was still playing guitar but made the choice of switching over to bass, which left KROSSBREED in need of a new lead guitar player. That is where Hendrik showed up. He joined KROSSBREED at the end of 2005. This new line up really made a difference, more mature and technical songs started being written. To get things moving a bit faster they organised a DOWN TO THE CORE tour. Gathering fans all over Belgium they now are ready to record a second demo called "ENJOY THE RAGE". Songs are heavier and faster so prepare for this.......

future gigs: 07/O7/O7@ De Rots in Antwerp (Belgium)
02/08/07@ Wacken Open Air (Germany)(W.E.T-stage)
01/09/07@ Glaspop in Leerdam (Holland)
06/10/07@ Pand Demonium in Antwerp (Belgium)

If you want to now more about our music,merchandise,our life or see our face's and some movie-clips. Just check:

Hope to see you @ a concert:)