Kryptillusion - new pre-prod track, about 80% done

Hey, thanks guys! :)

About the guitars: yeah, they are all PODxt. I actually posted the patches a while ago, and I can do it again if you promise to buy our album if you download'em. ;) Clickety-click-click

They're nothing special by themselves though, as most of the overall sound comes from post-eq and mixing. Before I had the POD, I did that same things with my V-AMP, and it sounded about the same.

Genious: there's no reverb anywhere on the overheads/cymbals, besides what's already in the room/oh samples of EZDrummer. What you're hearing is probably the wild overcompressing of the drums that I do most of the times... maybe I went TOO haywire on this one. Can you pinpoint a hit or a passage that sounds "not right" to you, so I can take a look? Thanks. :)