Krysta Martinez

yep original chick was cuter but the new one does have way bigger hooters

now before some white knight sensitive male tries to criticize us for focusing on their looks, obviously if they replaced a chick with another chick its kinda hard for them to deny they are going for the 'hey we have a chick' gimmick and we are simply evaluating the success of said gimmick. also, tits!
yep original chick was cuter but the new one does have way bigger hooters

now before some white knight sensitive male tries to criticize us for focusing on their looks, obviously if they replaced a chick with another chick its kinda hard for them to deny they are going for the 'hey we have a chick' gimmick and we are simply evaluating the success of said gimmick. also, tits!

Kinda hard to white knight justifiably when a big part of the metal scene was seeing who could dress the most provocatively for a while.
The only time I ever played a show where I opened up for signed bands was when I played with this band Phantom Dissonance opening for Landmine Marathon and The Funeral Pyre. I always assumed somewhat that Landmine Marathon was the least popular band on Spinefarm records...There were 3 other bands there too ... had to leave early cause my friends were partying and didn't want to miss it. Didn't dig what I heard from Landmine but I'll check them out again. Didn't know they had a chick singer to begin with. chick singers are hot! Alyssa White Gluz from The Agonist is the best as far as looks go and personality.