Kung Fury? How about Turbo Kid?

yeah i saw the trailer last year when it was floating around and it looks potentially pretty fun, like a mix of Kung Fury and Hobo with a Shotgun or something. its streaming on netflix so i was thinking about watching it this weekend. let us know whatchu think.
Just finished watching it. Not sure if I could recommend this in general or not, because it's firmly rooted in the 80s style of B movie (think Troma movies). But it's so crazy that it was impossible to look away from the absurdity. It's more like a low budget cross between Mad Max, Goonies, Rad and something like Fist of the North Star or Riki-Oh. I liked it well enough for one viewing, although I'm not sure I'd need to revisit it.

If nothing else, if you're slumming on Netflix for a movie, you could do a lot worse than this.
well seeing as Goonies and Rad are two of my all time favorite movies ever, Mad Max series is total classic and one of my favorites, and i love crazy unrealistic asian exploitation gore shit like Riki-Oh, i am completely fucking on board! i haven't seen Fist of the North Star, but after googling it's now on the list!
well seeing as Goonies and Rad are two of my all time favorite movies ever, Mad Max series is total classic and one of my favorites, and i love crazy unrealistic asian exploitation gore shit like Riki-Oh, i am completely fucking on board! i haven't seen Fist of the North Star, but after googling it's now on the list!

Wait, are you talking about the live action Fist of the North Star or the anime? I guess you could say Turbo Kid has more in common with the live action shit, but I was actually talking about the anime. The live action movie is fucking terrible, but if you enjoyed the Mortal Kombat movies, you might like it. Anyway, I am just going to go off of the assumption that you haven't seen much in the way of anime, or what you've tried watching, you didn't like. If that's not the case, then this might be really redundant.

I am by no means some huge anime nerd (because I don't like 90% of the modern stuff, or anything with giant heads, spikey hair and goggle-eyes for the most part), but here are some seriously must see movies, if you haven't seen them yet, going off of your above criteria. The top three alone are movies that everyone should see just for the amazing animation alone, even if you don't give a shit about anime at all.

1. Ninja Scroll - This always just made me think of Samurai Showdown, but it was an eye opening event for me the first time I saw it.

2. Akira - watch with Japanese audio if you can. The English dub sucks in comparison.

3. Ghost in the Shell - Not really that exploitative, but a must see anyway.

Okay, here's where the really crazy shit begins:

4. Urotsukjidoji: Legend of the Overfiend - can't find a good trailer for Return of the Overfiend, but it's just as over the top and a must see.

5. Wicked City - Same studio that did Ninja Scroll.

6. Demon City - Same studio that did Ninja Scroll.

7. Biohunter - Same studio that did Ninja Scroll.

Then there's a lot more that are just as good, if you like the above styles, although not necessarily as gory or as exploitive. There are also a few in the way of series that should be seen as well, some of which are more modern too.
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kind of spaced on this thread...

i've seen some of the more 'famous' anime like Ninja Scroll (awesome), Akira (wtf did i just see), and a handful of others. i like the action/ninja ones, but you bring up a good point about the dubbing. much of the dubbed performances are pretty cheesy/melodramatic/over the top, and a lot times they change the story around, but to me the major reason to watch animation is to appreciate and enjoy the artwork and style, and its a lot harder to do that if you have to read all of the dialogue. im not a slow reader by any means, but you miss out on half the action! i tried watching that attack on titan show on netflix but gave up after one episode because it felt like i was missing so much to read the subtitles. they were a huge distraction and i felt like my attention was too divided. i'm not anti-subtitle, and have no problem with them in slower artsier kind of films, but for fast paced action type stuff, especially animation, i usually prefer it dubbed.

i'll check some of those out though, a bunch seem to be fully on youtube.
as for TURBO KID, i really liked it! i actually ended up watching it twice last weekend, because the first time through i paused it like right in the middle to go get some more ice for an adult beverage, and ended up hanging out with my housemates for several hours. i came back to it significantly more intoxicated, and continued. problem was i had paused it after a big action part, and when i came back it was the slowest, quietest part of the movie so it kind of messed up the flow and i was pretty wasted and didnt remember the ending to well. sooo i watched the whole thing again a few days later and it didnt seem to lull as much in the 3rd quarter as it did the first time.

obviously lower budget, but great gore effects, costumes, appropriate sparse cgi. acting was perfect tone for something like this, quirky girl and evil villain were fun without going too over the top, plot was perfectly barebones to set up fun action. as said above it is Rad meets Road Warrior made by Troma, but with modern production, better acting, better effects, etc. than Troma had. hopefully people keep making more stuff like this and Kung Fury, Hobo with a Shotgun, etc. im glad to see the 'retro' stuff moving on from the 70s into the 80s the last few years!