Kurt Vonnegut dies

gOD FUCKING dammit I always forget that's your new name, Pyrus. Every time I come here I check your profile thinking "who is this dude? OH."

The force is dumb in this one.
I have Galapagos and The Sirens of Titan waiting in my To Read list, he's one of the few authors that I'll probably read all their works someday. Nabokov, Rushdie, Tolkien, and Kerouac being the others.

He's one of the VERY few authors to get me to audibly laugh out loud while reading. Hilarious dude.
yeah but total stoner trippy stuff. As much as I liked Slaughterhouse 5, I really wish I had read it when I was 20 and at college. Still, it's a must read either way.
Yeah, very sad. :cry:

Of his books I've read several: Player Piano, Cat's Cradle, Welcome to the Monkey House, Slaughterhouse-Five, Breakfast of Champions, Galapagos, Wampeters, Foma, and Granfalloons, Timequake, Hocus Pocus, A Man Without a Country.
so it goes men, so it goes.

a great man has left to the plains and whatever boon he gave the world he must've taken with him.

was engaged with cat's cradle when I heard.