Kvelertak- Meir

Aug 14, 2008
Like Ghost, Kvelertak was one of those "hype bands" that I kind of ignored upon the release of their albums, and it was only at passing chance that I even heard the material off their debut albums at the right place and the right time. I tend to ignore alot of these hype bands because I always feel like 9 times out of 10, they never do anything to truly break the mold and be interesting. You can argue with Ghost, the appeal is in the mystique and the catchy songs, but with Kvelertak, there is some major ground broken and I regret every second I spent not knowing about this band.

For the uninitiated, Kvelertak takes the 70's sound of bands like Black Sabbath, AC/DC, and Led Zeppelin, fuses it with hardcore (as well as modern rock style stuff like Queens of the Stone age and Turbonegro) and even adds a little (emphasis on little) sprinkle of black metal. Most importantly, this band has placed a premium on writing catchy, fun jams with Norwegian lyrics about getting drunk with Odin or whatever. While neither prog nor power, there is something here for everyone, and I think you'd be remiss to miss out on these guys.

Their major-label debut and overall sophomore release, "Meir" is being streamed right now and it blows my mind how these guys haven't missed a beat. If you require soaring opera style metal vocals or whatever and don't have an ear for screams, perhaps they will turn you off. But honestly, I think it'd be really hard.

I heard a song earlier today and it was fun as hell. Reminds me of Tyr in the sense that it's just fun music to kick back with friends and get fucked up to.