L2 on guitar?


Dec 2, 2006
New York, NY
anyone had any luck with this?

i never really was able to make a compressor get along with heavy guitars but the last few projects i've had some success with a bit of L2 on the guitars. i find that it helps with a naturally non super tight picker. it kind of really pins the guitars in a nice spot. i'll post some clips once everything is done but the L2 with the C4 really helped sit my guitars in much better. the player was a very light picker and could not use anything but light picks to boot. i compensated by reamping with a lot of bass and cabinet beef. it worked but was a little sloppy. the c4 tightened that out and the L2 really tightened the overall dynamics of heavy parts.

just wondering if anyone else uses this. i don't know even know why i thought of using the L2. i just did, and it sounded good so i left it.
Almost all the time. It can really even out those little peaks that causes the guitars to jump around in the mix. Helps a lot when the tone is a bit undergained or not smooth enough, along with the player not being the tightest.
yea exactly. in my case, the player not tight. actually the player is tight, but he's naturally a jazz/reggae player and not exactly eric peterson or james hetfield when it comes to heavy rhythm picking.

glad to know i'm not alone. and at the same time also bummed i'm not the christopher columbus of this lol...
Very interesting....what kind of threshold and out ceiling are you using? That's pretty cool, though. I want to try it.
well i just set it accordingly to tighten it up. overdoing it causes it to be obvious. with medium tempo heavy stuff i like a fast release with -4 thresh and output of -1.

kind of pins it nice. different songs different. even different parts are different settings.
Been using it on my guitars for the last 6 months, since then About 80% of my recordings, works great majority of the time.
Ive used L1 on my guitar buss if it needs it...


l1 is my fav limiter on instruments and vocals...............i find it has a bit less artifacts over the l2 when on ind sources i prefer the l2 on the master taking about 2 db off at most.....

otb its la2a BUT HAVE BEEN USING THE l1 on almost every project latley...
I find limiting guitars a bit keeps them from hitting the 2 bus compressor too hard. I find if I limit guitar, compress bass and clip the snare, I have no problem getting high rms without having to clip the 2 bus! just an eq, comp and maximizer will get me to around -9 db rms If I want it that loud.
well i don't think me and ermz are talking about using the l2 for volume on the guitars. more to help the performance really and sound. it just makes it punchier and compensates for uneven playing and not hard picking.

ps - on free time i'm going to experiment by putting it on the dry track before reamping to see if it helps hit the amp harder. "girly" picking will sometimes not hit the amp as hard and not get that beefy tone due to that. so you try to compensate on the wet track. in theory it should make the direct track hit harder with less dyanmic range thus recreating that tighter picked feel. maybe it will work who knows. i'll def try.