Laid off

Jun 26, 2009
New Jersey
i just got laid off my job. Im not gonna be able to pay my rent, and neither is my room mate. If i get evicted i dont know what im gonna do. Marine core? Ive been homeless before, and i am not going back to that. Sneapsters, what do? I am applying at literally every place in my town right now
All i can say is this: Holy fuck am i glad that i live in Sweden.. it scares me to see so many threads about people in fear of getting homeless, when its basically impossible here in Sweden.
If you are homeless in Sweden, its because you WANT to be homeless basically. D;

Anyways, that sucks dude.. hope you get something real soon man!
All i can say is this: Holy fuck am i glad that i live in Sweden.. it scares me to see so many threads about people in fear of getting homeless, when its basically impossible here in Sweden.
If you are homeless in Sweden, its because you WANT to be homeless basically. D;

Anyways, that sucks dude.. hope you get something real soon man!

The more I see, read and hear about Sweden my new-found intrigue and liking for it grows stronger. What a great country :). I'd love to visit one day.

roflsaurusrex, hope you get back on your feet ASAP dude!
The more I see, read and hear about Sweden my new-found intrigue and liking for it grows stronger. What a great country :). I'd love to visit one day.

roflsaurusrex, hope you get back on your feet ASAP dude!

I have some kind of lovehate for it.. its a great country, no doubt, but somehow i feel attracted towards Canada, which seems to be a mix between the US and Sweden; The best of both worlds.

Isn't Sweden a heavy welfare-to-population ratio country?

Yes, it is and i think its great.
No one gets left behind in Sweden, besides those who dont even want to try.. our welfare might need to be reformed as there are slackers taking advantage of it, but id rather see a few people taking advantage of it, then a few people ending up on the streets because they just got laid of.
Honestly I would apply for unemployment now and keep the search going for a job, unemployment takes a while to get kick started so the faster you apply the safer you are.
I have some kind of lovehate for it.. its a great country, no doubt, but somehow i feel attracted towards Canada, which seems to be a mix between the US and Sweden; The best of both worlds.

Yes, it is and i think its great.
No one gets left behind in Sweden, besides those who dont even want to try.. our welfare might need to be reformed as there are slackers taking advantage of it, but id rather see a few people taking advantage of it, then a few people ending up on the streets because they just got laid of.

Living in Québec which is closer to Sweden than the US compared to the ROC (rest of Canada), I think I'd agree with you. We have a bigger welfare program over here, and I agree with your comments about slackers and everything.
are all swedes like this?

Definitely, you NEED to file for unemployment...NOW. You do it the day you're laid off. Do not wait. The longer you wait, the more headaches you will have. And that is money that you have been contributing to from your taxes...use it. I will most likely be losing my job anytime between next month and the end of the year. Everything is up in the air right now and no one knows what's going on. Exporting more jobs to China. :mad:
I don't know about NJ but in NY you can file 1 week after your last check. You end up with a check either 1 or 2 weeks after you file
NJ is tricky. Sometimes they respond fast as shit. Other times it can take literally up to 3 months. So his best bet is def get all that paperwork filled out yesterday. And one of the requirements for NJ unemployment is, regardless of being laid off or not, you have to make X amount of money and/or work at said job for X amount of time.