Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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My good buds Shane, Brian, & myself went to this show on Thursday night April 5, and it was amazing. We left around 6p.m. and the show started at 7:30. Road construction on I-75 North delayed us about a half hour and we arrived at Bogart's around 8 p.m. We parked and walked in a missed one of the opening bands Gojira. As soon as we walked in, Machine Head was on stage. Their set list is as follows:

Machine Head:
*Clenching The Fist Of Dissent
*Aesthetics Of Hate(dedicated to "Dimebag Darrell"
*Now I Lay Thee Down (I think they played this but not sure).
I thought machine Head was co-headling but they only played around 5-6 songs. (If anyone else was there and can remember the actual setlist, please correct me).

Lamb Of God hit the stage a litlle after 9 p.m. and played for about an hour and half. I do know what the opening song was but the rest of the setlist maybe out of order. (Again, for those of you that we there correct me).

Lamb Of God:
*Walk With Me In Hell
*Again We Rise
*Bloodletting (Burn The Priest song)
*Blackened The Cursed Sun
*More Time To Kill
*As The Palaces Burn
*11th Hour
*Now You've Got Something To Die For
*Laid to Rest
*The Faded Line????
*Redneck (with all the bands onstage since it was the last night of the tour)

Again, this may not be exactly right, but I think it is pretty damn close since I had 5 Bud Light Drafts, shot of Jagemeister, 2 Xanax's.

After this show, I went I talked to a good friend of mine, Jeff Barnes, who"s band WarWithin was playing across the street at Sudsy Malone's (It's a laundry mat and a bar, believe it or not). WarWithin has an album coming out soon. They are in my tope friends on myspace and please check them out and tell me what you think. I think the link is www.myspace/


man, if i get to see machine head and heaven and hell and megadeth i hope they play a setlist like that. if they would change now i lay thee down to something else it would be perfect.
Eh, it's around 200bpm, which sounds faster than it feels. What gets me is that they have the same setlist every tour. I KNOW they can play Blood of the Scribe live, so they should do it. It's definately a "live" song.
LoG should have played Blood of the Scribe......fags........

Yes they should have played Blood Of the Scribe, One Gun, Break You, etcc.. or something off of "New American Gospel" like Pariah, In the Abscence Of The Sacred, Terror & Hubris In The House of Frank Pollard, or The Subtle Art of Murder & Persuasion. Oh Well. They still kicked ASS.

Yes they should have played Blood Of the Scribe, One Gun, Break You, etcc.. or something off of "New American Gospel" like Pariah, In the Abscence Of The Sacred, Terror & Hubris In The House of Frank Pollard, or The Subtle Art of Murder & Persuasion. Oh Well. They still kicked ASS.


They used to play Pariah live before this record came out. Also, they played Subtle Arts when I saw them on this tour. They switch it out for The Faded line on some dates.
Here goes for those interested, Sorry its not Nevermore related:

Lamb Of God: Terror And Hubris (2003)

No other band in recent heavy metal history has captured my attention and undying devotion faster than Lamb of God. The band’s current release, ’As the Palaces Burn’, is deadly concoction of blistering guitar riffs, throaty growls and rapid-fire drumming that relentlessly attacks the listener like a pit-bull on crack. What separates Lamb of God from the rest of the heavy metal pack, however, is a little something called structure, an approach to songwriting that has been lacking in the metal genre since 90’s-era Pantera. Lamb of God understands the power of a tightly structured song and they perform each one as if it were the last. It’s this passion, devotion and attention to detail that creeps out of every Lamb of God song and into the listener’s psyche to stir the mighty force of inspiration. Lamb of God isn’t something you hear. It’s something you feel.
On January 13, the band released ’Terror & Hubris’ a modestly-priced DVD packed with 13 chapters and 9 extras, including live performances taken from this year’s Hellfest and New England Hardcore and Metal Festival. Interviews with the group and individual members, two Lamb of God videos, assorted promo videos and uncensored self-recorded behind-the-scenes material also grace the disc.
In a nutshell, ’Terror & Hubris’ is a first-rate introduction to Lamb of God’s brand of ’Pure American Metal.’ While there isn’t a ton of material to sift through, the quality of the concert footage and interviews is thoughtful, engrossing and informative.
In one noteworthy live segment, Lamb of God front man D. Randall Blythe instantly garners the full attention of his unruly audience to unleash a well-timed, Braveheart-style mosh pit. It’s an image that’ll stick with you well after it’s over. Yes, it is that fucking cool.
’Terror & Hubris’ also delves into the band’s history and their motivation to enter the overpopulated heavy metal arena. Matter-of-fact anecdotes detailing their formation, rise to the top and earnest surprised-at-success reactions only adds to Lamb of God’s appeal. The self-depreciating humor each band-member exudes is also living proof that you can make music that sounds like it was forged in the depths of hell and still find the time to unearth the same pair of shit-stained jeans that were ditched from a previous tour.

For more info on the band and the DVD, stage-dive on over to
big mistake missing Gojira... heaviest band on that bill by far. At least Machine Head and LoG don't suck.
Yes they should have played Blood Of the Scribe, One Gun, Break You, etcc.. or something off of "New American Gospel" like Pariah, In the Abscence Of The Sacred, Terror & Hubris In The House of Frank Pollard, or The Subtle Art of Murder & Persuasion. Oh Well. They still kicked ASS.

I'm surprised they didn't play Black Label. That is the only song I heard off of NAG when I saw them on this tour and on the Unholy Alliance Tour. It would've been awesome to seem them play some old stuff.

And agreed too about Blood of the Scribe. That's one of my favorite songs at the moment from them.
I'm surprised they didn't play Black Label. That is the only song I heard off of NAG when I saw them on this tour and on the Unholy Alliance Tour. It would've been awesome to seem them play some old stuff.

And agreed too about Blood of the Scribe. That's one of my favorite songs at the moment from them.

It is my favorite song from them. Period.