Lamb of GOD tour..


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
So I was at the show here at Stubbs in AUstin TExas and let me tell you something.
Gojira-- BEst band of the bill.Viva la FRance. I don;t care what anyone says this band was awesome and their record is brutal.
MAchine head. Was heard shouting out to SOD for being brutal and they were awesome. I can't wait to hear the new record.
Trivium.. um- well, not a fan. They should change their name to triva pursuit and you have to try and figure out whose music they stole.
LAmb o GOD. Once again shouted out to SOD and dedicated a burn the preist song to me. They were awesome. More importantly we were all at head hunters after the show and had a pisser, getting drunk and being rubberheads. If this tour comes to your town, go see it. At least don't miss the openers of the tour, GOJIRA!!!!!!!
I think I called Gojira's last album the best of 2005! I LOVE THEM! Awesome live. I have a DVD of them live and it crushes. I plan on hitting that show up when they roll into Nashville. Hopefully they play first so I can leave that town and get back to my place for school.

But Gojira is the shit, super heavy.
I think I called Gojira's last album the best of 2005! I LOVE THEM! Awesome live. I have a DVD of them live and it crushes. I plan on hitting that show up when they roll into Nashville. Hopefully they play first so I can leave that town and get back to my place for school.

But Gojira is the shit, super heavy.

Dude, I have been looking for that dvd for awhile, but can only find it for retard prices....Do you happen to have a burner? I have quite a few bootlegs I can burn for you in exchange.

Yeah, I already have my tickets for this tour. I am going to see it on March 17th and Gojira is the band I am going to check out. I have seen LOG and Machine Head a bunch of times, they are both great bands, but yeah, I am mainly going to see Gojira. Who knew that the French could be so heavy? I just have to spend a little extra time at the bar during Trivium's set:puke:

Hey Billy, could you tell me the order for the bands??? Tell me that Trivium is not one of the co-headliners:ill:
I saw Trivium when they opened for Danzig/Doyle in Philly back in March 05', the lead singer looked like he was wearing girl low-rider jeans. I don't know if he was trying for a watered down Twisted Sister look. You're right, it seemed like they copied their music off of a lot of bands, -they sucked!!
here's the line up. Gojira, MachineFuckinHead, Trivium, LOG. Yeah it sux, machinehead is opening for trivium, what a serious disapointment, at least for me. i loved gojira, awsome set, and got to hang out with them for a little bit. really cool dudes and all, really laid back. same with LOG and machinehead. Cant say much about gayvium bcs they had to leave austin after the show to shoot their NEW video. what a bunch of fags. oh and to make them even more gay than they already are, their intro song....well just go see the show and watch the 5min intro that blows...
Wow...That's almost as bad when I saw Tattoo The Earth and Slayer opened for Slipknot:puke: That really sucks....I fucking hate Trivium and I don't care how "good" they are for their age. They fucking suck.

I got to hang out with Machine Head and LOG last time I saw them and they are all fucking cool...I've hung out with Rob a few times and every time, he was the most cool and down to earth person. The first time I met him, he sat and hung out with me and my brother for well over an hour. Well, thanks for the heads up (I think:lol: ), CUIO.

here's the line up. Gojira, MachineFuckinHead, Trivium, LOG. Yeah it sux, machinehead is opening for trivium, what a serious disapointment, at least for me. i loved gojira, awsome set, and got to hang out with them for a little bit. really cool dudes and all, really laid back. same with LOG and machinehead. Cant say much about gayvium bcs they had to leave austin after the show to shoot their NEW video. what a bunch of fags. oh and to make them even more gay than they already are, their intro song....well just go see the show and watch the 5min intro that blows...
Dude, I have been looking for that dvd for awhile, but can only find it for retard prices....Do you happen to have a burner? I have quite a few bootlegs I can burn for you in exchange.

Yeah, I already have my tickets for this tour. I am going to see it on March 17th and Gojira is the band I am going to check out. I have seen LOG and Machine Head a bunch of times, they are both great bands, but yeah, I am mainly going to see Gojira. Who knew that the French could be so heavy? I just have to spend a little extra time at the bar during Trivium's set:puke:

Hey Billy, could you tell me the order for the bands??? Tell me that Trivium is not one of the co-headliners:ill:

I dont have the full DVD because I cant find it ANYWHERE here, its like 2 years behind being released her. I get no where talking to the french record label. All I have is a DVD bonus that came with The Link and it has 3 or 4 clips from the real DVD. I did download the DVD at one point but I dont think I have it anymore :/
Aww that sucks. I can't find it anywhere either. I saw it on ebay once and it was going for like 60 bucks or something ridiculous like that. I like Gojira, but I don't like them that much.
Gojira opened the show right? Set length? The show in Nashville starts at 630 so I am hoping that Gojira is up first. Its an all ages show so I am sure there wont be any fucking booze which means "leave after gojira, go home, sleep"

here's the line up. Gojira, MachineFuckinHead, Trivium, LOG. Yeah it sux, machinehead is opening for trivium, what a serious disapointment, at least for me. i loved gojira, awsome set, and got to hang out with them for a little bit. really cool dudes and all, really laid back. same with LOG and machinehead. Cant say much about gayvium bcs they had to leave austin after the show to shoot their NEW video. what a bunch of fags. oh and to make them even more gay than they already are, their intro song....well just go see the show and watch the 5min intro that blows...
Yeah, Gojira is opening. You should stick around to at least catch Machine Head(they are second). Their new album is pretty good, minus the mandatory "daddy didn't love me" song that they seem to think we should hear on every record.
I dont have the full DVD because I cant find it ANYWHERE here, its like 2 years behind being released her. I get no where talking to the french record label. All I have is a DVD bonus that came with The Link and it has 3 or 4 clips from the real DVD. I did download the DVD at one point but I dont think I have it anymore :/

Good news, evildizzle. The dvd is being released in the states on May 22 and you can pre-order for $12.99 at Amazon. Just thought I would let you know.