Land Of Plenty


Gogol Bordello
Mar 28, 2002
Thats the title of the recent (2004) Wim Wenders film. I admired this guy because of the masterpiece called "Wings Of Desire" (its remake is the famous "City Of Angels" with Nicholas Cage), and he totally amazed me again with "Land Of Plenty". Im writting this here because you are (supposed to be) some of the few americans i respect (?).
The title obviously reffers to u.s.a. and it describes the story of a vietnam veteran who spends all his time searching for Arab terrorists in L.A, while his niece arrives from Tel Aviv and works in a place for homeless people (where they feed em etc). These 2 totally different characters meet and .. yes rent it/buy it for the rest.
So i want all of you to see it because imo its has the greatest and most convincing comment i saw in a film about post-9/11 attitude towards certain values, morals and groups of people, and its also a great social comment about almost everything. Yay.
IOfTheStorm said:
Im writting this here because you are (supposed to be) some of the few americans i respect (?).
:lol: Awesome.
IOfTheStorm said:
So i want all of you to see it because imo its has the greatest and most convincing comment i saw in a film about post-9/11 attitude towards certain values, morals and groups of people, and its also a great social comment about almost everything. Yay.
Well that sounds good to me. I really liked City of Angels, didn't realize it was a remake. "It's okay, we fit." huhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuhu