LANEY VH 100R clip from my band

no, not "muddy", wouldn't use such a negative term, 'cause i think the mix is really good!

there's just something that makes me wish it would more "jump at me" you know?

sounds a bit like the effect you get with a rectifier w/o cleanboost or so...that makes it a bit hmm, how to say...not as tight as it could be...

It's really hard to describe w/o sounding too negative, 'cause that's not my intention, i really like your work.

Guitars make me regret having sold my Laney, 'cause its sound seem to be pretty brootal...would like to hear it with a TS or so though..

hah, gerade gesehen, dass du ja auch Deutscher bist...
ne, im ernst wirklich gute Arbeit, glaub das Quäntchen (und mehr ist es nicht) das da fehlt liegt eher im Mastering, aber das ist ja eben das übliche Problem wenn man Mix und Master (wie die meisten von uns) am gleichen Arbeitsplatz macht (und mit den selben Ohren) macht...

really Like your music, interested in gigging together?

Aus'm Norden


P.S. just found out what was bothering me... the Mix sounds very different on different sound-systems, on my headphones it's great, then fast switching to nearfield monitors made me think i threw a blanket over those......psychoacoustics tricked me;)...die Gitarren neigen auf einigen Anlagen etwas zum "Zusammenkleben", try a clean-boost in front of your amp
keep up the good work!
Hi Lasse!

We are alway interested in gigs (as each "newcomer" band is :)). But we don´t organize gigs ourselves because we don´t have the time and the energy. :ill:
Mastering is always a problem. I would like to let our record master at a different studio when we get a deal with this (which I hope we do).

According to the music: There a also 2 tracks of sans amp (direct to disk) panned to 100% L/R. Maybe that´s what you mean?!?

By the way, strange to write in English when you´re German....:lol:

EDIT: We will be playing at the Wacken Metal Battle in Osnabrück. Maybe it´s near your town and you are interested in coming....
would like to come, but i guess it's too far (living in Lübeck myself).
What do you think about a mastering-exchange?
could just send me the unmastered wavs and i'd do a mastering for you, then you could decide what you like better in return I'd ask you to do some mastering for my band's upcoming album (somewhen in april-may or so).
what do you think?.

where planning playing a small tour in summer or so, always good to know there are bands that are willing to play.



According to the music: There a also 2 tracks of sans amp (direct to disk) panned to 100% L/R. Maybe that´s what you mean?!?

might be, yes.
Hey, sounds like an interesting idea. The mix is not finished yet. I have to do another band in between unfortunately. I´ll get in contact with you when the mix is done.