
Guest Solos on "From This World" - in correct order- played by Kimon Zeliotis (Escalation), Wolfgang Zenk (7for4, former Sieges Even), Lasse Lammert (Producer of Alestorm, Clipping Death, Incubator)
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Yeah, the second solo is played by Wolfgang Zenk. Still, the 3rd solo is great and I also really like the harmonies after that not sure if that's Lasse or Felix.

I only did the acoustic solo concert solo wise :) So kudos for Lasse! I also think, the harmonics are phantastic!

Maybe I should change the order of the names in the headline...confusion ftl.

Edit: Okay I kicked out my name for the solo credits, I think this brought some confusion, as well.
So everything from 3:18 is you Lasse? also the fast sweepingstuff at the end? tbh I thought that this was Felix (got confused with the old solo credits)
yeah, but the fast sweeping is only across the top 3 strings, so not really that challenging ;)
initially I had a harmony on that bit as well, but that turned out sounding like super mario bros, lol
thanks anyways
Yes, Lasse did this sweeping stuff :) Sorry for the confusion, I hope all is clear and transparent now! Let me know, if you find some things to improve yet. Facebook & Youtube pages are still quite "under construction", so I hope you understand.
Haha funny enough there is still one spot (after Lasse´s solo) reserved for James Murphy :D Yeah, it´s me crazy and megalomaniac, but I know, James is Wolfgang Zenk fan :kickass: Though I absolutely understand, he has a lot of more important things to do.
Jesus Kimon, this could be my favorite of your solos I've heard, excellently done :notworthy:rock: Great stuff too Lasse! (though I can definitely hear the Mario bros reference in that last section :lol: Love the beginning of yours especially though, with the trem bar dips and all) Wolfgang's solo sounded cool, but the tone made it kinda hard to hear the notes unfortunately :/