Last chance for free reamping!


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
So, I'll be giving back the 6505 head I've got at my place in a few days, so it's your last chance to get some free reamping done (single song) if you need it!

I'm still farting around with pulling as many tones as I can from the thing, so I'm open to do a few more reamps for people, provided there's a need.

If you need some done just tell me in this thread and maybe upload your tracks onto dropbox or an equivalent (ie. no freefileupload type sites with restrictions and queuing to download simple files). Make sure to provide a rough mix of the track without guitars along with the clean DI signals.
Moonlapse I posted on guitarhacks, guitarhacks reamped tracks rocked but just want to see how much yours would difer. PM me if you can give these DI's a try .....that would rock.

Here are the DI's for reamping: (2 rhythms and 2 chorus rhythms)

Here is the song with no guitars
or direct link

Hey man, your song with no guitars link doesn't seem to work. I can't find it within the directory either.
Okay so I've finally done them all. It's amazing how time can fly when you're tinkering around. I've done 3 versions for Xes and Metaljonesy for the sake of options, and only 1 for jauernis due to running out of time.

Here we go:


Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:


Version 1:
Version 2:
Version 3:


Now for the comments.

@Metaljonesy: Your DI tracks were the darkest out of the bunch and generally quite hard to coax a lively high-end out of. What sort of gear did you record them through?

@Xes: Best sounding DIs out of the bunch. Lacking a little on high-end from what I could tell, but generally had a fairly open and detailed character, with nice mutes.

@jauernis: Killer no guitars mix! It was great to have the chance to try to pull a guitar sound into something so final sounding. The drawback was that your DIs did indeed sound quite flat and lifeless. I tried to compensate but was only able to get a rhythm tone that worked as part of the mix, not solo. I personally thought that once the chorus guitars come in it gets a lot denser and the flat nature of the DIs can be disguised with 4 tracks. My inclination would be to quad-track the rhythms the whole way through! One set with a high/aggressive edge and another with more mids.

Cheers all of you, and if you decide you like any version of the guitars give me a heads up and I'll export the raw files for you.
i used a Schecter Hellraiser C1FR with EMGs. and a samson DI box, however the tone you have got does suit my taste. and when i play it and reamp it thru my gear it sounds the same as if playing live :/

i will say though that the strings are about 4 months old :D

cheers for the reamps tho dude, gnna listen to them properly in a few days' time as im trying to avoid doin mixing over the crimbo festive period! and ill get back to ya if any stick out that i wudnt mind the raw files for!!
Hi....thank you for the compliments :) I listened the sample and it would be cool to have the first and the third raw tracks :)
Which is the difference of the 3 eq's?

Thank you very much for your work! very appreciated
used the MOTU 8pre... i think its deffo a string issue! come to think of it, i havent changed the strings on the guitar since moving which was in august!!! eek! but yeah, its the tone im after i guess ... and yours generally sound ideal to my ears of the tone i usually aim for pre processing!!

what set up were you using cab and mic wise? and what do you use to reamp?
@Xes: No problems! That's amazing actually. The one I like the most you don't want :lol:. The difference between them is 3 different cab impulses used and slightly different amp EQ settings to match.

@MetalJonesy: I'm sure the strings are playing a large role in it. Is there any particular version that you prefer over the others? The set-up was running out of an RME Multiface into a LittleLabs RedEye, into a 6505 head, preamp out back into Multiface, processed with 3 different cab impulses.
for this sort of music, and the mix/tone im after, at a very quick comparison id say i prefer the tone of reamp 3 overall... followed by reamp 2. 1 is good, i like the quirkyness of it, bit more middy and nasal but not really what im after on this piece id think, however saying that it would probs sound nice blended.
I just gave them a shot. Sounds a bit more articulate bit still more on the flat and small side, plus this time round there's a line noise of some sort. Could be due to an earthing problem on the guitar or recording gear. As far as the overall fidelity of the DI tracks lies, I think the problem lies more within your recording gear rather than the guitar itself.
Question: how do you have recorded your DI's? Because I recorded them plugging my guitar directly in my firepod's intrument input, setting the level at -3/-4db and monitoring the performance with an amp simulator plugin. I don't know why they turned out so well...(considering that I'm not very tight at all) do you think DI boxes ruin the signal?