Last Crack!!!!


Oct 14, 2003
WOW!! One of the most under appreciated bands from the late 80's are back together! Listening to the demo song right now, a new album would be a gift from the gods!


LAST CRACK Line Up Hometown Appearance - Apr. 23, 2004

Madison, Wisconsin natives LAST CRACK have booked their first show since playing at this year's South by Southwest Music Festival (SXSW) in Austin, Texas. The concert will be held at The Annex in Madison, WI on Saturday, June 19. The band will be showcasing new material as well as old favorites from their two Roadrunner/Roadracer releases, "Sinister Funkhouse #17" (1990) and the Dave Jerden-produced (ALICE IN CHAINS, JANE'S ADDICTION) "Burning Time" (1991). Opening act(s) will be announced soon.

In other news, LAST CRACK guitarist Paul Schluter and his wife Kaelie welcomed their first child, Ethan Paul Schluter into the world late last week. He was born on April 15, 2004.

LAST CRACK, currently shopping their new four-song demo to record labels, recently made their new single, "Siren Song", available for free download at their official web site,
I have to admit I have never heard this band. I´ll have to bookmark that link for when I get back from my huge US invasion (aka vacation). Will be sitting on a plane all day tomorrow. Joy ! *not*
AngelWitch73 said:
I have to admit I have never heard this band. I´ll have to bookmark that link for when I get back from my huge US invasion (aka vacation). Will be sitting on a plane all day tomorrow. Joy ! *not*

Cool. Actually out of all the people here on the board I think you would be the one most likely to dig this band. The new song is ok but make sure you check out the live track also (there is like 4 minutes of Budo talking but the song is great!)

Have fun on your vacation Angel!
Now I´m even more curious but at the same time I´m really enjoying the RAVEN that´s playing loud so I´ll still have to wait to listen to some MP3s. I´m trying to stay up late so I can sleep during the flight. I hate flying.
Wow.... this is great news!!! Last Crack was a very interesting band, that had a very unique sound for their time. For those that haven't heard them.... if I had to describe them I would say this. Musically, they were sort of a precursor for bands like The Mars Volta and Coheed & Cambria... which of course, no one really sounded like that in the early 90's. Vocals and lyrical content were the real catch to go with this odd sound... Buddo, the singer always made me think of a modern day Jim Morrison who had taken too much acid.

Greeno .......would you say that this is a fair assesment of the sound?

Either way... I highly recommend them for the music fan who wants something a little bit left of the mainstream sound!
That description sounds as good as any, they are a hard band to pin down. I always thought of them as an alt. avant gard metal/rock band. :) However you look at it it is some strange ass stuff..... but VERY GOOD strange ass stuff!!

Psychonaut - Yep, that was the title of their second album, "Sinister Funkhouse #17" was the first album.