Last Days of Layne

Officer Nice

Oct 7, 2002
Saw this posted on the newsgroups....

The last days of Layne Staley, what a waste of talent...

here are a couple parts about Layne...

1. The lights were out. The doors locked. A used needle was on the floor,
and $501 in cash was lying next to the toilet. Brown stains of heroin led
from the bathroom floor toward the living room. When police kicked in the
door to Layne Staley's University District apartment on April 19, there, on
a couch, lit by a flickering TV, next to several spray-paint cans on the
floor, not far from a small stash of cocaine, near two crack pipes on the
coffee table, reposed the remains of the rock musician.

A glamour-drug moment it wasn't. Staley, 34, sitting upright, had been dead
for two weeks. According to newly acquired police and medical-examiner
reports, he had morphine, codeine, and cocaine in his system--and he was
holding in his hand another fully loaded syringe of heroin. Once the lead
singer for the popular 1990s grunge band Alice in Chains, Staley had faded
from the headlines. Now he was back, as a statistic.

2. That, too, was Staley's circumstance, according to a police
investigation. In addition to the singer's tracked-up and
paraphernalia-littered bathroom and front room, detectives found a kitchen
counter covered with more used needles, more narcotics pipes, and more
spray-paint cans. Needles also were found beneath Staley when his 86-pound
body was removed. He lived alone in the two-story, three-bedroom apartment
(one bedroom contained toys and video games, another musical instruments;
the master bedroom had a bed and TV). When police played back Staley's
answering-machine tape, it was filled with two weeks' worth of calls asking
where he was.

A Seattle police detective, in his final report, added a somber footnote:
After hearing of the death, Lynnwood police called to say they were holding
the rocker's MTV Music Video Award in their evidence room. Alice in Chains
was voted best hard-rock band runner-up in 1996, and the award apparently
had been stolen or otherwise appropriated. But Staley, for reasons he took
to his grave, never sought to reclaim it.

Very sad.

I remember the footage the most. What they shot around 4-5 that day. They kept airing the shot of the windows wide open, a fan must have been blowing, and the curtains were flapping and flailing...while they did their investigation. They aired that footage all weekend around here. Never, ever, forgot the curtains flailing in the turbulent air. Probably won't ever forget that image.

Most of you know this, but I thought I'd throw it long as we're thinking/remembering. He was only called in as known heroin addict to be checked up on ("wellness check", etc.) because there had been no activity on his banking account for two weeks. It was the accountant that made the alert. Because it was common for Layne to never answer his phone. Or answer the door.

There was a disgusting bio written on him, by some Adriana lady from Brazil. Came out last year. Don't buy the book. It's written like a fan girl. And she had access to massive amounts of drawings, letters, etc...and her choices of what to put in the book were skewed. Horrible book. Anyway, she got his last public words, via a phone call. He had few teeth and was difficult to understand. Anyway, it's only worth it for that one quote. I can post it another time.

Anyway, it's a shame the way the public viewed him (the media), and some very judgemental individuals. He was a kind person, who wouldn't have hurt anyone. I went to his public memorial thing. Around the fountain....right after a show. Tangled mess of wilted flowers, candle wax, drawings, carved candles, lyrics. All rained on, soaking mess.

I've always wondered if he had any music left behind. I don't know if I'll ever find out. But, I'd like a better written bio on him, that's for sure.
Very sad. The media has no pity for a heroin addict who also happened to be a talented and amazing musician and person, but they'll give any praise to an overrated whiny little pop star who blows his brains out...

*calm down, Darkspot, no Kurt Cobain ranting*
Choosing his favourite songs on australian musiv tv...

*****27th Jan Layne Staley from Alice In Chains guest programs rage *****

I remember

the smiths, the pixies, deep purple, ac/dc, kiss...
I remember when this happened i heard about it on the official AIC first i thought it was another rumor since stuff like that happens..but someone else more reliable said she saw it on the news on KING5...i was a bit taken aback and very sad about it being the AIC head i am...
sad sad story
Layne, along with Chris Cornell, was one of the few talented folks to rise out of the Seattle grunge scene. His work with AiC, as well as the one Mad Season CD, was superb. He had a unique voice, and a fantastically original sense of melody.

Maharet said:
Actually Zod, there were plenty of good talent in those was just that Nirvana screwed everyone over...:|
Right, there were a lot of great grunge bands out there...
Alice in Chains and Soundgarden, obviously. But there was Hole, Pearl Jam, Mudhoney, Mother Love Bone, Blind Melon, etc.
It's just that Nirvana... or Kurt Cobain, more specifically, became the face and the sound of grunge when people tried to advertise it as this big revolution. Mainly because Nirvana was marketable grunge. How far do you think Alice in Chains would've gotten as the new "big thing" Not very. It's because their singer wasn't this blond-haired, blue-eyed guy that a bunch of riot grrls wanted to protect or anything like that. Nirvana's sound and lyrics and look were watered-down enough for the MTV-fed masses to swallow so that they could say that they too were anti-everything, just like Kurt Cobain who, despite the fact that he tried to project such an anti-pop star and anti-fame image turned out to be one of the biggest pop-stars ever.

Okay... I think that's enough.
But there was Hole, Pearl Jam, Mudhoney, Mother Love Bone, Blind Melon, etc.
Hole fucking SUCKED and Blind Melon wasnt from Seattle nor were they grunge..they were just apart of the Alternative music deal going on....
Mudhoney was wonderful and so was MLB...
Nirvana killed it all telling you...SubPop records spent all their Nirvana money on other bands and then blamed it on Nirvana! LOL!!
*holds sign up stating "World's Leading Grunge Expert"*
anyway...One must remember that Kurt Cobain would have been nothing if it werent for the help of trusting friends like the Melvins...too bad they got screwed in the end too...
Blind Melon wasn't Grunge, nor was Mother Love Bone really, so neither of those bands respective talents were being disrespected by my comments. Pearl Jam's debut CD was excellent, but their subsequent releases fall somewhere between average (Verses) to unlistenable (everthing else). Mudhoney, to my ear, was god awful. And for those reasons, I stand by my original statement.

Maharet said:
...too bad they got screwed in the end too...
It's really sad, though, the way that all of the grunge "icons" sort of hit a wall after grunge died. Ironically enough, the only one who actually died was the one who would go on forever as a pop icon.
So many bands faded away because they were labled as grunge, but just look and see how many places you'll see Kurt Cobain's face. His name is a registered trademark, for god's sake!
Do not insult Hole in the presence of Darkspot. Just do not.
HAHAHAH you like Hole! im sorry...i hate them and it is a known fact that Courtney Love is awful....:) evil..she is evil...the end

anyway MLB wasnt grunge really they were more like glam rock with a lot of humor...i loved them man...