
Sep 28, 2005
Anybody use it? It pretty much renders the "what are you listening to right now" thread useless, but I figured I'd post mine up here and see if anyone else uses it. Here's mine:

Also, I see that there's a smiley that wasn't here last time I posted a thread, I want to be the first to use it in this board:

I use it. I have this odd fascination with my vcharts - not entirely sure why. :)

I've found quite a few things I like through there, including Theocracy. One of their songs was linked as similar to something else I was looking at (can't recall which ones now), so went to their artist page for a look. I'd never heard any Christian metal before, but I was intrigued by the fact that even atheists were saying that they were a good band, so I gave Laying The Demon To Rest A Go. I've been loving their music ever since. seems to be down at the moment, but here my profile:
I used to use a lot, but stopped. One reason (a bit of a brag, TBH), is because I realized that it was displaying information that should not be public, like track titles when I am listening to band demos, but the band hasn't released any info re the titles yet. Oops!

Also, that smiley has been available on for a looooong time. On some other bands forums, it get massive usage. There's a reason no one has used it here ;)
I used to use a lot, but stopped. One reason (a bit of a brag, TBH), is because I realized that it was displaying information that should not be public, like track titles when I am listening to band demos, but the band hasn't released any info re the titles yet. Oops!

Well, you could always delete the tracks from your profile or disable scrobbling while you listen to them. If you listen to things like that a lot though, I can see how that would be annoying.
Yeah, I did those things sometimes, or I would change the title to something completely different, but then have to remember what fake song band/name went to what real info. Then I'd forget to do one of those things and see it happen again, so I just stopped using it altogether so I wouldn't make a mistake :)
Yes I have one. In fact it was through I discovered Theocracy. A while back I decided to check out "Christian Power Metal", because I never really heard Power Metal before. I had an idea because I checked out some like Helloween (apparently the "creators" of the genre? correct me if I'm wrong). And I didn't like the vocals too well. They sound too angry for me to enjoy. Anywho I turned on the Christian Power Metal radio one day and bang I discovered Bethlehem by Theocracy. They hit me so hard like a rock. Now Theocracy is like my stepping stone to other Power Metal and Prog Metal.

My page is... here.