Last Maidens show of 2009 @ Ramona Main Stage, Sat. 12/19!

Apr 10, 2009
This is it, folks, the last time we play until next friggin year--and the last California show until February. Oy! Let's send 2009 off in true Maiden style, eh. :rock: PLUS, it's Max's birthday party! :kickass:

626 Main St
Ramona, CA 92065
(760) 789-7008
Hello Maidens,

I just got back home from your concert in Ramona. It was easily one of the best tribute shows I've seen in a long time. I had seen your band twice before and thought you sounded even better tonight. I love how you play the epic songs and the newer songs mixed in. Let me tell you that gals brought a big smile to my face. I hope to see you again soon! Have fun in Japan!.


p.s. I know you hear it all the time, but y'all are very cute. :notworthy:rolleyes:
looking forward to this one - jenna said she'd jam a song on bass with us. she's an amazing player and has done her steve harris homework!

You are too kind! Thank you very much! :D That was so much fun!!! I was so scared waiting backstage before that. I knew all the songs before CSIT apart from Infinite so was playing along trying to get my fingers warmed up. The crowd was very welcoming and apart from a few little bugs in the beginning, I thought it went pretty good considering I had never rehearsed with the girls ever and had never, ever played with a proper band in my life. It was such an honour and thank you for suggesting it Sara!!! :kickass:
I thought for sure the set would have been posted by now considering the absense of some standard fare..........but seeing it has not been posted, here it is!!! :rock:

Die With Your Boots On
Infinite Dreams
Caught Somewhere in Time (with Jenna on bass!) :)
Rime of the Ancient Mariner
Where Eagles Dare
Losfer Words
# of the Beast
Remember Tomorrow
Alexander the Great
Hallowed Be Thy Name

da da da da
da da da da

Thank You California! We'll see you in February! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Which one do you think is the cutest?


And, Jenna, you were phenomenal! I cannot believe you've never played with a band before (you need to get out of your room already!). :notworthy :rock:

It was a great blast to perform with you! :hotjump:

Please don't wait too long before coming back to visit us!
Kirsten "Bruce Chickinson";8777488 said:

And, Jenna, you were phenomenal! I cannot believe you've never played with a band before (you need to get out of your room already!). :notworthy :rock:

It was a great blast to perform with you! :hotjump:

Please don't wait too long before coming back to visit us!

Thank you so much Kirsten!!! It was such a huge honour to perform with you girls. :notworthy I had so much fun and I was very humbled by the response from both the crowd and the band. :blush:

I will be back as soon as I can. I will miss you all so much! :waah:
Actually many people don't realize it, because she is in the back and you can't see, but Linda definitely has the best ass in the band!