LAST MINUTE GIG - Antimatter


Poor Excuse for a Life
Jul 8, 2002
Kortrijk, Belgium
Confirmed and announced yesterday, there will be an Antimatter gig tomorrow in JH DE POORT, in Dongen, Netherlands.

Dongen is somewhere between Tilburg and Breda.

Dutchies, Belgians, anyone who liked the Ghent gig or anyone who missed it: BE THERE!
And there's one at Antwerp at friday, but i don't know what venue... ask duncan or maybe someone alse could help
Yeah yeah like my mom would let me skip school huh... :cry: I wish she would.
Anyway, if they come back to Belgium friday there's a VERY little chance that I can go, the positive thing is that my girlfriend would be able to join me than too.
But it's the same problem again... I don't know how to get there!
You could ask someone to drive you there? I mean: there's plenty of potential Antimatter fans out there. Just look around you for people who have a car AND good taste and make them drive you there ;) Geel isn't too far anyway.

For me, it's probably some 1.5 hours driving (Paris was 2.15) and even though it's a weekday, I'll be going there. Just not staying long afterwards. On Friday, I have visitors, so I'm not sure whether I'd go or not...