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This was terrible. One of the worst theater experiences I've had. They tried too hard to make it different and instead had no laughs.

It's obvious that Todd Phillips had no intention of doing sequels to the Hangover, but it became so successful that he kind of got written into it. Still, you can feel how burnt out he seems just from the story and writing of the Hangover sequels. It's a shame because he's made some of the funniest movies ever.
It's obvious that Todd Phillips had no intention of doing sequels to the Hangover, but it became so successful that he kind of got written into it. Still, you can feel how burnt out he seems just from the story and writing of the Hangover sequels. It's a shame because he's made some of the funniest movies ever.

Actually my good man you are wrong...there was an interview with Phillips the weekend that it came out and he said that they had a rough draft for a sequel done while they were filming the first one. I was shocked as well because he seems to be above doing sequels and stuff. I wonder though if it was much different than what was made.

Anyone ever see Frat House...the fake doc he made for HBO that he made where he ended up getting busted out for faking some of the frat stuff up. it is really funny actually.
uugggh. I watched Galaxy of Terror last night...I saw it when it hit home video in the 80's and didn't like it then...I tried it last night again in hopes my youth clouded my judgement...nope. it was still crap with a pretty good b-level cast.
Classic. And I thought of you while I watched Senna just now. If all documentaries were as well made as that one they would get watched more often. What an amazing piece of film, and history.

Senna was my hero since I was 3.

He will always have a very special place in my heart, as well as in the heart of most (if not all) Brazilians.

I still miss him every single time I see a Formula One race, or even think about it. I remember as if it was yesterday being at my grandparent's house (like I did every Sunday) watching the F1 race (like I did every time it was on), and hearing Galvao Bueno (the commentator for Brazilian TV channel Globo) going "Senna has crashed hard! Senna has crashed hard!"

Imprinted in my memory forever. RIP Ayrton Senna.
Actually my good man you are wrong...there was an interview with Phillips the weekend that it came out and he said that they had a rough draft for a sequel done while they were filming the first one. I was shocked as well because he seems to be above doing sequels and stuff. I wonder though if it was much different than what was made.

Wow I had no idea. That sucks. Guess the guy's just losing his touch. Old School is probably my favorite comedy of all time and the first Hangover was great.