Late 2011 MacBook pro dropouts


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
2.2 i7, Upgraded to 8gb ram and 7200rpm Hdd, with profire 2626. Buffer at max (4096 samples)

CPU hovers around 18-20%. hdd read speed is at 3.5mb/s. everything is on the internal drive, nothing is running in the back ground.

On reaper

Bumming me out. I can't figure out why
Jeff, I reinstalled drivers, I put the output of my pro fire into the first firewire port then the power core into the second (it was reversed) And same problems. I had it had 4096 samples, I decided to go to 256 to see what happens and NO dropouts but CPU is at 28-30%.

Fucking weird?
That is fucking mental. Are you totally dependent on the Powercore or could you remove it from the chain and test? I wonder if that thing is causing the issues.

It's off and same problems at 4096.

On a brighter note, I went down to 64 samples, 45 tracks, 177 plugins at 50-60% cpu usage. :headbang:
Fucking golden man, I usually finish mixes at 80%+. I wouldn't even worry about it. Truth told, my FF800 doesn't even go to buffer rates above 2048 on either of my (albeit both Apple) machines and whether or not I'm in Cubase or Logic.
Fucking golden man, I usually finish mixes at 80%+. I wouldn't even worry about it. Truth told, my FF800 doesn't even go to buffer rates above 2048 on either of my (albeit both Apple) machines and whether or not I'm in Cubase or Logic.

I was wondering this, I assumed it went to 4096 as the PC pro fire 2626 drivers let it. But then again it's in the driver console rather then assignable in the audio software. In reaper, I don't have an option, I have to type in the buffer rate so who knows...

Cheers jeff
Being that it's an i7, the display you're reading from may differ than from what's really happening.

The i7 "overclocks" itself to match needed computer processing power. So, the information you're interpreting as an overload should be being processed just fine. Does it notably slow down your system, aside from the displayed computer data?

I know it all sounds like bs, but I work at Apple and have seen this alot. Worst case I'd just do a restore on Lion and re-install the drivers. Could be some weird factory parameters fucking with you.