(Late to the partay) Negative Plane - Et In Saecula Saeculorum

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Negative Plane - Et In Saecula Saeculorum

Interesting stuff... an overall oldschool feel, with strange little riffs and quirky vocals. Not K/lt in any way though.

How is it possible that this act is U.S based? This is true black metal in the most sinister vein, with riffs as sharp as the skewers which hold the churrascaria before Gabourey Sidibe's dinner plate. Nothing redundant except for the emotion evoked, and that emotion is... pureeeeee evil! Not semi evil, not pepsi one evil, just one calorie, not enough! No friends, puuuuuuure evil, destruction, and raping of your masculinity. This album will have you weeping in the corner like Brandon after coitus. A perilous air looms above, flatulence lies below <sniff sniff> You Just Soiled Yourself!

I was simply going to reply in the Black Metal Reco thread, but not dedicating a full thread to these lads would be a grave disservice, even more so when sub-par shit like DSO gets their teats suckled harder than Jenaveve Jolie's*.

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You made the right choice. Negative Plane is a band certainly deserving of it's own thread.

Keep your eyes on Ajna, back in January they announced that Negative Plane entered the studio to record their second album (Stained Glass Revelations), so there's more to come from these guys and it's definitely something worth looking forward to.
Seriously? You listen to music for the lyrics? I tend to think of them as more of a "bonus" when they are intelligently written...Anyways, Christicide could have the most eloquently written lyrics in the world - I'd never know because based on their name I would never bother reading them... and Katharsis? Really? I fucking LOVE Katharsis but come on. Bad examples to prove a point with dude.

No comparison was made to DsO by the way.. think you intepreted what he said wrong.
Fuck, I was really hoping to like this more than I did. I guess I was expecting something a bit darker considering the comparison to DsO, and the lyrics are pretty pedestrian in the scheme of most international black metal acts (DsO, Christicide, Dissection, Katharsis, etc.).

This is black metal in the vein of Varathron, Rotting Christ, Mortuary Drape, Root, Resuscitator, and that ilk. It's like a warmer black metal focused on a heavy metal/rock. Not all black metal is the same (which i know you know, but it seems like you were expecting something that wasn't even close)
You like Varathron and Rotting Christ (some horrible lyrics), does it just stop there for you?