Latest Mix - Criticism is much appreciated!


New Metal Member
Feb 28, 2010
This is part of a song that I wrote with a friend about a year ago. It is a bit cliche, but fun to play and great for learning more about mixing. Anyways, any and all criticism is welcome! Thanks!

Guitars: ESP LTD Deluxe H-1001FM -> Countryman Type 85 -> Focusrite LS56 -> TS808 -> TSE X50 -> IR Loader

Bass: Fender Vintage J Bass -> basically the same chain as guitars/Blend of 1 DI track & 1 dirty track

Drums: SSD with kick being the only blended sample (I struggle alot with blending samples)
Nothing? Well, I guess this mix is perfect then haha. If only that were true!

Seriously though, I could really use some opinions on this mix. I know it has plenty of problems!