latest mix (world touring hardcore band)

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
maybe some of you guys know them. They are called xBilly the kidx from Costa Rica the kidx - goliath (snippet).mp3

sorry for the über short teaser but I think I could get problems otherwise.

Drums are all real besides the kick which is 50% triggered.
Guitars are a peavey 6505 and a framus cobra both through my trusty Mesa Os 412.

We used a ESP horizon for all guitars.

First time tracking vocals with my sm7b (LOVE THE MIC!!!)
let me know what you think about the mix but this is finished so there will be no changes.

btw. VCC is on ALL tracks. Used the SSL 4K for everything besides guitars which are neve. I used the second highest sampling option so it realy was a tough one for my cpu (I am using a mac pro 2011 modell with a quadcore)
but it got heavy with 60 channels :)