latest work - preliminary mix, reamps from ryan, big mastering budget: any takers?


Nov 17, 2008

constructs from burlington vermont.

VERY preliminary mix.

they have a large mastering budget if anyone's interested?

this early mix pleases me in my rp5's in my horrible tiny cubic untreated room, but fails the car-test miserably. i blame (in addition to my listening environment) the muddiness that comes with drop G# and a mexican 4string p-bass and stock pickups, and limited tracking time (i'm in boston, they're in burlington vt). any/all criticisms are as always hugely welcomed. if anyones interested in mastering, there's a few hundski in it for ya (USD) if you're someone who's work i'm familiar with. o_0!!!
this actually sounds really good, the drums are very clear, the guitars sound good, i would maybe turn up the kick just a tad, but thats just me. Sounds really good so far!
I think easing up on the high mids on the guitars could give you a bit of a gentler mix that breathes more, so you won't need to push the vocals so far forward - they will sit easier. Kick is also a fair bit more forward than the snare. Maybe attenuate the 'clack' of the kick a little bit so it sits in the mix.
Overall guitar should even come down a bit, agreed with the high mids getting knocked down. The guitars have a nasty squelchy sound on the top that needs taming. Try some saturation on the guitar bus?

I think you have some high end in your bass track as well that may be pushed a bit too hard and is obscuring the vocals. It's not easy to get the high end of a bass right when you're distorting it.

Snare has boxy frequencies that need a bit of help, I would try to bring out the attack more. I would even use some parallel compression in this case. You can definitely hear the snare behind everything else, a brighter reverb would help. What does your predelay look like on the snare? I'd make the pre-delay larger, if anything.

Getting the mix 95% where it should be is the best step before a master, of course.
thanks for the input dudes... i need to post a flat mix, because in both of those pseudo-masters i always end up overcompensating trying to get brightness and what i'm perceiving to be an even frequency spread. a constant battle due to my horrible monitoring situation (RP5's in an 8x8 untreated cube of a room).

the snare attack is natural with a 57 on top, super fast gate, with snare10Z4 blended in 20% for the body/reverb tail. oddly enough, the last step in the snare chain is reaEQ really pushing the brightness/presence. i think i just need to notch out some of the annoying mid/highmid frequencies in the snare.

this is the guitar bus:

BUT i'm not sure if the harshness is coming from that, or the second high mid boost in the 2bus chain. probably a combo of the two.

and as a whole i got the thing stupid loud, i'm sure everything else would breathe a little better if someone (other than me) got it to -9rms. i'll post a flatmix when i get home in a few hours.

thanks tons for the help so far, dudes!