Leather Leone is alive and well....

Awesome! You've made my fiancee & I very happy! For years we have wondered what happened to her. My fiancee (BlackRoseMetalHeart) even asked David Chastain, who said he hadn't heard from her in years, but I should let BRMH tell that story!

Thanks for posting the interview!
this is REALLY funny because just last week i opened up discussions with David Chastain about licensing Leather's solo album and "For Those Who Dare" for reissue on Divebomb. It's like the metal gods were speaking to me or something!! if it goes through i will be contacting her to conduct new interview her about the album(s).

the interview was only ok, i wished she got to talk more. ;)
this is REALLY funny because just last week i opened up discussions with David Chastain about licensing Leather's solo album and "For Those Who Dare" for reissue on Divebomb. It's like the metal gods were speaking to me or something!! if it goes through i will be contacting her to conduct new interview her about the album(s).

the interview was only ok, i wished she got to talk more. ;)

Awesome!! My first concert ever was Chastain on the "Voice Of The Cult" tour. They played The Thirsty Whale outside of Chicago in 87/88?
this is REALLY funny because just last week i opened up discussions with David Chastain about licensing Leather's solo album and "For Those Who Dare" for reissue on Divebomb. It's like the metal gods were speaking to me or something!! if it goes through i will be contacting her to conduct new interview her about the album(s).

the interview was only ok, i wished she got to talk more. ;)

Again, kind of ironic HAHA
I was just listening to "7th Of Never" and "Voice Of The Cult" a couple of days ago. It prompted me to dig out "in An Outrage", and, while Kate French was good, she wasn't nearly as powerful a singer as Leather.

I thought Kate French did a fine job on vox. The problem is that 90s Chastain music was far to be as good as 80s Chastain music...
It was an ok interview. Pretty long and the interviewer spoke more than Leather.
And I learned that Testament is a New York band. HAHA
The interview I believe caused me to have a dream about The Osmonds this morning. Marie was hot in it. And her relationship with Donnie seemed a bit unnatural. Then again maybe it was natural for them.
the deal is nearly done, watch for CHASTAIN For Those Who Dare and LEATHER Shock Waves on Divebomb Records in November! and yes, we started our discussions for reissue before she broke her silence. it was mere coincidence.
Somebody needs to get all of the Chastain with Leather discs out for consumption! I have the Leather solo disc and Chastain instrumental, but all of the Chastain vocal stuff is on cassette
Leather Leone is a powerhouse vocalist conquering many of the same legions as Dickinson, Halford, and Tate so I was very curious to what she had to say.

Unfortunately I can barely get through the audio interview because Mark Lewis is an awful interviewer. It’s almost like he thinks the interview is about him. Shut the “F” up and let Leather speak. Does he have brain damage or what, he keeps jumping all over the place. Out of all the people to finally track down Leather Leone it has to be Mark Lewis! This guy seems to be a real tool. After this interview with Mark "I like to hear myself talk" Lewis, Leather will probably never do another interview again... and who could blame her.

The first time I heard Leather was on the CHASTAIN song "THE BLACK KNIGHT" and I, (at the time), thought the vocals were by a dude because up until then, 1985, female vocals didn't sound like that so it was unheard of to hear a female vocalist with such a menacing style.

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Somebody needs to get all of the Chastain with Leather discs out for consumption! I have the Leather solo disc and Chastain instrumental, but all of the Chastain vocal stuff is on cassette

like i said i will have new reissues with all new mastering in November for the two i mentioned.

but Shrapnel just reissued Ruler and Mystery last year and they sound good. you can still get the 2 on 1 CD of 7th and Voices from Leviathan Records directly i believe.

just hunt for it, you can find them. my reissues should be out November 14th.