"Leave No Trace"... once upon a time *gg*


The Entwined
Nov 23, 2001
Switzerland / Croatia
A few months ago in the Anathema-mailinglist there was almost a fight about the "real" lyrics for "Leave No Trace". It was pretty stupid because it was about just one word :lol:
Well since here are a few people who could know what Vinnie is realy singing I though to ask it here...
Some people said it's:
"Here and now we are gone in a happy
Dream in the passage of time"
and other was sure it's:
"Here and now we are gone in a heartbeat
Dream in the passage of time"

So, which one's the "real" lyrics? *g*
"Here and now we are gone in a happy
Dream in the passage of time"
and other was sure it's:
"Here and now we are gone in a heartbeat
Dream in the passage of time"

So, which one's the "real" lyrics? *g* [/B]

I think the second one is right.
Though VIncent has the Liverpool-accent it isn't that worse I think :) (though I like the liverpudlian accent)
Or is it ?
Originally posted by Ghostie

I think the second one is right.
Though VIncent has the Liverpool-accent it isn't that worse I think :) (though I like the liverpudlian accent)
Or is it ?

Here we go again! :lol:
I think/thought it's the first one :D
Yeah, the liverpudlian sounds great!! I love the way they pronounce "Judgement" :D :D
Hi Eos,

i think, though i am not really sure, after listening a few times, that it is "...gone in a heartbeat". U r right we have to consider the British (liverpudlian) accent, wherefore "happy" could be possible, but I think there is no "p" sung but a "b" and in the second chorus i think you can hear a "t" at the end of the word.

That is what i have heard, but nothing for sure. Easiest would be danny would bring light into that enigma.

heers Morpheus
when i thought that was the correct version, i thought we had to link "happy" and "dream".
"gone in a happy dream" is slightly more solid. still, less than "gone in a heartbeat".
Originally posted by Don Corleone
what could "gone in a happy" possibly mean?

Look at the lines as one not as two different "sentences" that have nothing to do with eachother :p
I don' t understand English that good to get all the meanings of the Anathema lyrics.. but I'm doing my best :D *gg*
o.k. we almost solve the riddle of that song, but:

what does Vinny sing at the end of the track, remember there are two voices.
No.1 sings One Future, One Mourning (imo)

But what does the second voice sing? I understand only some pieces, it's a bit far in the back.

That song is really an enigma, lol.

But still a good one.

So what do you guess/know?

Cheers Morpheus
Originally posted by Eos
Some people said it's:
"Here and now we are gone in a happy
Dream in the passage of time"
and other was sure it's:
"Here and now we are gone in a heartbeat
Dream in the passage of time"

So, which one's the "real" lyrics? *g* [/B]

Now, that's funny. I had the same dilemma recently. To be more precise, I've always heard 'heartbeat' there, but surprisingly enough, the official site lyrics say it's 'happy'. I can't quite come to terms with it, since the first vowel sound in 'happy' is so-called 'broad e', but I can clearly hear long 'a:' there (which indeed can be found in 'heart'). I haven't bothered to look it up in the booklet yet, is it illegible?