Leaving tomorrow to hang with Jonas from Scar Symmetry....

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
He's in Florida with my buddy Jeramie, the old drummer for The Absence. So me and a couple guys from the band are going down there to hang out for a couple.

Jonas is gonna throw a guitar solo on the new Zero System song. I am little more than stoked haha. That dude is one of my idols so I am probably gonna be a babbling retard for the first couple hours hanging with him.

I am gonna find out some info on his whole recording process and what not. So I will be posting back with some sweet info maybe about like the Scar Symmetry albums and what not. Anyways hopefully the drive wont be terrible.

Incase I don't get to post before Christmas, I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.

Wow dude, fucking awesome! I won't deny, I can always tell (and cringe) when he solos (if nothing else cuz it means Per isn't), but since he's apparently responsible for most of the actual music in the band, that's definitely worthy of idolization I'd say! And he's had his moments solo-wise, so I'm sure he could contribute some awesomeness to a Zero System track. Enjoy dude, I'm jealous! (but I'd still rather meet Per :heh: )
Jesus christ what a lucky bitch! :erk: I wonder how much Per charged...

I don't think it was much to be honest because as far as I remember, my friend had Per as a teacher in a place we call "Culture School", and the prices there are fixed, so Per can't charge more just because he's good/known etc. I don't know if Per still teaches there though, I would doubt it =)