ledmag's first post on this board???

well, on this version, anyway

" "The Rick"
You asked for an idea,,,,,,come'er,,,,try vicious rumour,,,memory garden,,,,those will work for now,,,,trust me dude!,,,Jag will too.

I think this is the Linda Blaire smily"


look at the eloquence, the commas, the grammar! just perfect! genius!
Chaeck ou the poser desposer thread i started hahahha

I think its something like 'poser desposer you goddam motherfucker' or something like that.
yeah, he's really not as gay in real life as he seems on here, he's actually pretty cool, believe it or not

we were real good friends, both big time metal heads, but he's going to the air force and will be gone to boot camps for a couple of months getting his ass kicked, haha (he was a senior, i was a junior)
good you guys are friends.

ITs a shame he is a dill. No offence man, but there is no draft right now, so he has no excuse.

DO you think he will make it so to speak? hahahah
hey. im skinny , and i blow ppls minds when i lift things.

I hope he didnt go down on the *DRILL* sarg hahahahahha

i said drill hahahahhaha
Originally posted by antifayth
my mom is dead you dumb fuck.... shows how much your know (that being nothing)...


antifayth's mom isn't dead, i talked to her on messenger the other night and not long ago she made me sandwiches at their house. . . what a moron, i'm glad he don't post no more, hahahaha