Lee, organize me a duet...

Windom Pearl

May 31, 2001
Tampere, Finland
...with Jennifer Love Hewitt. :dopey:

Naa, John's a pro. I wouldn't dare to approach him because he's so pro.

And because he would drug me and sell me to his pervert friends. I'd spend the few next years as their sex toy. (Which in Love Hewitt's case wouldn't be bad at all. AT ALL.)
*Touches the thread with a stick*

No way, it has that weird DotNoir-stink now... :p
Man, this situation is getting even more stages. I had to watch most of "I know what you did last summer" tonight since marko had a crazy idea that it had a JLH titty-scene in it... sorry man, by the way :p

Well, I'm off for some more "Friends". Well, most of you would probably say it's no better, but I'm drinking beer at the same time and watching it in my underwear, so count me the luckiest man alive!!!
