Legendary Splits

Dazed and Brutal

Yall About to Witness
May 16, 2006
Winterless New Jersey
Necromentia/Varathron - Black Arts Lead to Everlasting Sins
Two monsters of Greek Melodic Black teamed up to create a majestic yet dark slab of music that's nothing short of perfection. The material on this split is nothing to be taking lightly as it is, imo, the best material ever written by both bands in its best from. A dark and slightly gritty production does this album perfect justice and preveying just what Black Ats are.

Altar/Cartilage - Ex Oblivione/The Fragile Concept of Affection
Mixed and produced by Dan Swano this is hands down the best split to ever be released, and I'm sorry there's no way you can argue this. Some of the most twisted riffage and atmosphere death metal has ever witnessed and is the only obtainable material to be found by either of these bands. For anyone into old school death metal should at least here this once because there is no other band like Cartilage. Altar is also fantastic, but unlike the Varathron/Necromantia split where both bands were equally great, Cartilage totally blows Altar, and most bands in general, out of the water.

Demigod / Necropsy
A good split with Demo material from Demigod and some of the best produced Necropsy material who's a band that I feel is greatly underappreciated.

Emperor/Enslaved - Emperor/Hordanes Land
Another classic with easily the best Emperor material. It's actually the only Emperor material I find enjoyable, mock me if you will. This was a giant release in of itselves because it's the first release outside of demo for both enslaved and Emperor. Emperor section is much different then their future stuff as well Enslaveds. Enslaved's section is perhaps their strongest material as well.
Altar/Cartilage - Ex Oblivione/The Fragile Concept of Affection

Yeah, best split ever released, I reckon. Cartilage's side is among my top ten of all time.

Some other good shit:

Uncanny/Ancient Rites
Obscure Infinity/Fulmination

And more recently:

Graveland/Nokturnal Mortum/North/Temnozor
Thou Art Lord/Ancient Rites 7"
Clandestine Blaze/Deathspell Omega
Second Hell/Skullcrusher (Metal Deadness)