Legit metal band. So stoked

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Been producing this band as of late. Its a female and male sharing vocal duties. Guitars are JCM 2000 with a tubescreamer through my mesa 4x12. This is like my dream project as pretty much the only thing I listen to is Testament, Exodus, Sylosis, etc. So doing this was super fun. Hope you guys dig.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4437687/Kyle/Battlecry Mix_Master 1.mp3

My only complaints musically is I wish the solos were a little cooler, but not everyone is a "Loomis".

i listen to it with headphones! GREAT guitar tone,but toms need something..i don't know what but sounds fake :/